
RISC-V (Reduced Instruction Set Computer V) is an open standard instruction set architecture (ISA) based on established RISC principles. Unlike proprietary ISAs, RISC-V is open and free to use, making it a popular choice for academic research and industry applications.

Key Concepts

  1. RISC-V Architecture Overview

  • Registers: RISC-V has 32 general-purpose registers (x0 to x31), each 32 bits wide in the RV32I base integer instruction set.
  • Program Counter (PC): Holds the address of the next instruction to be executed.
  • Instruction Formats: RISC-V uses fixed-length 32-bit instructions with several formats (R, I, S, B, U, J).

  1. Register Naming Conventions

  • x0: Always zero.
  • x1: Return address (ra).
  • x2: Stack pointer (sp).
  • x3: Global pointer (gp).
  • x4: Thread pointer (tp).
  • x5-x7: Temporary registers (t0-t2).
  • x8: Frame pointer (fp).
  • x9-x18: Saved registers (s0-s9).
  • x19-x27: Temporary registers (t3-t6).
  • x28-x31: Argument registers (a0-a7).

  1. Basic Instruction Types

  • R-type: Register-register operations (e.g., add, sub).
  • I-type: Immediate operations (e.g., addi, lw).
  • S-type: Store operations (e.g., sw).
  • B-type: Branch operations (e.g., beq, bne).
  • U-type: Upper immediate operations (e.g., lui).
  • J-type: Jump operations (e.g., jal).

Writing a Simple RISC-V Program

Example: Adding Two Numbers

# Simple RISC-V program to add two numbers

.section .data
num1: .word 5
num2: .word 10
result: .word 0

.section .text
.globl _start

    # Load num1 into register t0
    la t0, num1
    lw t0, 0(t0)
    # Load num2 into register t1
    la t1, num2
    lw t1, 0(t1)
    # Add t0 and t1, store result in t2
    add t2, t0, t1
    # Store the result in memory
    la t3, result
    sw t2, 0(t3)
    # Exit the program
    li a7, 93       # syscall for exit


  1. Data Section: Defines the data (num1, num2, result).
  2. Text Section: Contains the code.
  3. Loading Data: la loads the address, lw loads the word from memory.
  4. Addition: add instruction adds the values in t0 and t1.
  5. Storing Result: sw stores the result back to memory.
  6. Exit: li loads the immediate value for the exit syscall, ecall makes the system call.

Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Subtract Two Numbers

Write a RISC-V program to subtract two numbers and store the result in memory.


.section .data
num1: .word 15
num2: .word 5
result: .word 0

.section .text
.globl _start

    la t0, num1
    lw t0, 0(t0)
    la t1, num2
    lw t1, 0(t1)
    sub t2, t0, t1
    la t3, result
    sw t2, 0(t3)
    li a7, 93

Exercise 2: Multiply Two Numbers

Write a RISC-V program to multiply two numbers and store the result in memory.


.section .data
num1: .word 3
num2: .word 4
result: .word 0

.section .text
.globl _start

    la t0, num1
    lw t0, 0(t0)
    la t1, num2
    lw t1, 0(t1)
    mul t2, t0, t1
    la t3, result
    sw t2, 0(t3)
    li a7, 93

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Forgetting to Load Addresses: Always use la to load addresses before accessing memory.
  • Incorrect Register Usage: Ensure you use the correct registers for specific purposes (e.g., sp for stack pointer).
  • Immediate Values: Use li for loading immediate values into registers.


In this section, we covered the basics of RISC-V assembly language, including its architecture, instruction types, and how to write simple programs. By practicing the provided exercises, you should gain a solid understanding of how to manipulate data and perform arithmetic operations in RISC-V. In the next module, we will explore practical applications and projects to further solidify your understanding of assembly programming.

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