In this section, we will delve into the concept of stack operations in Assembly language. The stack is a fundamental data structure used in programming, particularly in low-level languages like Assembly. Understanding how to manipulate the stack is crucial for tasks such as function calls, local variable storage, and interrupt handling.

Key Concepts

  1. Stack Basics:

    • The stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure.
    • It operates on two primary operations: PUSH (to add an item) and POP (to remove an item).
  2. Stack Pointer (SP):

    • The Stack Pointer (SP) is a special register that points to the top of the stack.
    • It is automatically updated when PUSH and POP operations are performed.
  3. Stack Frame:

    • A stack frame is a section of the stack that contains data for a single function call, including local variables, return addresses, and saved registers.

Basic Stack Operations

PUSH Operation

The PUSH instruction adds a value to the top of the stack and decrements the stack pointer.


PUSH <source>


MOV AX, 5      ; Move the value 5 into register AX
PUSH AX        ; Push the value of AX onto the stack

POP Operation

The POP instruction removes the value from the top of the stack and increments the stack pointer.


POP <destination>


POP BX         ; Pop the top value from the stack into register BX

Practical Example

Let's write a simple program that demonstrates the use of PUSH and POP instructions.

section .data
    message db 'Stack Operations Example', 0

section .bss

section .text
    global _start

    ; Initialize data
    MOV AX, 10
    MOV BX, 20

    ; Push values onto the stack

    ; Pop values from the stack
    POP CX
    POP DX

    ; Exit program
    MOV EAX, 1          ; syscall number for exit
    XOR EBX, EBX        ; exit code 0
    INT 0x80            ; call kernel


  1. Initialization:

    • MOV AX, 10 and MOV BX, 20 initialize registers AX and BX with values 10 and 20, respectively.
  2. PUSH Operations:

    • PUSH AX pushes the value of AX (10) onto the stack.
    • PUSH BX pushes the value of BX (20) onto the stack.
  3. POP Operations:

    • POP CX pops the top value from the stack (20) into register CX.
    • POP DX pops the next value from the stack (10) into register DX.
  4. Exit Program:

    • The program exits by making a system call with MOV EAX, 1 and INT 0x80.


Exercise 1: Basic Stack Operations

Task: Write an Assembly program that pushes three values onto the stack and then pops them into different registers.


section .text
    global _start

    ; Initialize data
    MOV AX, 1
    MOV BX, 2
    MOV CX, 3

    ; Push values onto the stack

    ; Pop values from the stack
    POP DX
    POP SI
    POP DI

    ; Exit program
    MOV EAX, 1          ; syscall number for exit
    XOR EBX, EBX        ; exit code 0
    INT 0x80            ; call kernel

Exercise 2: Stack Frame

Task: Write an Assembly program that simulates a function call by creating a stack frame, saving registers, and restoring them before returning.


section .text
    global _start

    ; Simulate function call
    CALL my_function

    ; Exit program
    MOV EAX, 1          ; syscall number for exit
    XOR EBX, EBX        ; exit code 0
    INT 0x80            ; call kernel

    ; Create stack frame
    MOV BP, SP

    ; Save registers

    ; Function body (example: add two numbers)
    MOV AX, 5
    MOV BX, 10
    ADD AX, BX

    ; Restore registers
    POP BX
    POP AX

    ; Restore stack frame
    MOV SP, BP
    POP BP

    ; Return from function

Common Mistakes and Tips

  1. Incorrect Stack Pointer Management:

    • Ensure that every PUSH has a corresponding POP to avoid stack corruption.
  2. Stack Overflow:

    • Be cautious of stack overflow, especially in recursive functions or deep call chains.
  3. Register Saving:

    • Always save and restore registers that are used within a function to avoid unintended side effects.


In this section, we covered the basics of stack operations in Assembly language, including the PUSH and POP instructions, and how to manage stack frames. Understanding these concepts is essential for writing efficient and reliable Assembly programs. In the next section, we will explore more advanced control flow mechanisms, such as conditional statements and loops.

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