In this section, we will delve into advanced techniques for designing user interfaces (UI) in Unreal Engine. This module will cover the following key concepts:

  1. Advanced Widget Design
  2. Dynamic UI Elements
  3. UI Animations
  4. Localization and Accessibility

  1. Advanced Widget Design

Key Concepts:

  • Custom Widgets: Creating reusable UI components.
  • Widget Hierarchies: Organizing widgets for complex UIs.
  • Styling and Theming: Applying consistent styles across the UI.

Practical Example: Creating a Custom Health Bar Widget

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Create a New Widget Blueprint:

    • Navigate to the Content Browser.
    • Right-click and select User Interface > Widget Blueprint.
    • Name it HealthBarWidget.
  2. Design the Health Bar:

    • Open the HealthBarWidget.
    • Add a Progress Bar to the canvas.
    • Set the Percent property to bind it to a variable (e.g., HealthPercent).
  3. Create a Binding for Health Percent:

    • In the Graph tab, create a new variable named HealthPercent of type float.
    • Create a function to update HealthPercent based on the player's health.
  4. Update Health Percent in Game:

    • In your player character blueprint, create a reference to the HealthBarWidget.
    • Update the HealthPercent variable whenever the player's health changes.
// Example C++ code to update HealthPercent
void AMyCharacter::UpdateHealthUI()
    if (HealthBarWidget)
        HealthBarWidget->SetHealthPercent(CurrentHealth / MaxHealth);


  • Create a custom stamina bar widget following the same steps as the health bar.

  1. Dynamic UI Elements

Key Concepts:

  • Dynamic Content: Updating UI elements in real-time.
  • Event-Driven UI: Using events to trigger UI updates.

Practical Example: Displaying Dynamic Score

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Create a Score Widget:

    • Create a new Widget Blueprint named ScoreWidget.
    • Add a Text Block to display the score.
  2. Bind the Score Text:

    • Create a variable named Score of type int32.
    • Bind the Text property of the Text Block to the Score variable.
  3. Update Score in Game:

    • In your game mode or player controller, create a reference to the ScoreWidget.
    • Update the Score variable whenever the player's score changes.
// Example C++ code to update Score
void AMyGameMode::UpdateScore(int32 NewScore)
    if (ScoreWidget)


  • Create a dynamic timer widget that counts down from a specified time.

  1. UI Animations

Key Concepts:

  • Widget Animations: Creating animations for UI elements.
  • Animation Blueprints: Using blueprints to control animations.

Practical Example: Animating a Button

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Create a Button Animation:

    • Open your Widget Blueprint (e.g., MainMenuWidget).
    • Select the Animations tab and create a new animation.
    • Add a Button to the canvas and animate its properties (e.g., scale, opacity).
  2. Trigger the Animation:

    • In the Graph tab, create an event to play the animation when the button is hovered or clicked.
// Example Blueprint logic to play animation
Event OnButtonHovered
    Play Animation(ButtonHoverAnimation);


  • Create an animation for a menu panel that slides in from the side of the screen.

  1. Localization and Accessibility

Key Concepts:

  • Localization: Translating UI text to different languages.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring the UI is usable by all players, including those with disabilities.

Practical Example: Localizing UI Text

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Set Up Localization:

    • Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Localization.
    • Create a new localization target and add the languages you want to support.
  2. Translate Text:

    • Use the Localization Dashboard to extract text from your widgets.
    • Provide translations for each language.
  3. Switch Languages in Game:

    • Create a function to change the game's language based on player preference.
// Example C++ code to change language
void AMyGameInstance::SetLanguage(FString LanguageCode)


  • Add support for at least one additional language in your project and create a settings menu to switch between languages.


In this module, you have learned advanced techniques for designing user interfaces in Unreal Engine. You now know how to create custom widgets, update UI elements dynamically, animate UI components, and localize your UI for different languages. These skills will help you create more engaging and accessible user interfaces for your games.

Next, we will move on to Module 5, where we will explore C++ programming in Unreal Engine.

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