Blueprint Communication is a crucial aspect of Unreal Engine development, allowing different Blueprints to interact and share data. This module will cover various methods of communication between Blueprints, including direct communication, event dispatchers, and interfaces.

Key Concepts

  1. Direct Communication: Accessing variables and functions directly from one Blueprint to another.
  2. Event Dispatchers: Broadcasting events to multiple Blueprints.
  3. Blueprint Interfaces: Defining a common set of functions that multiple Blueprints can implement.

Direct Communication

Direct communication involves accessing variables and functions of one Blueprint from another. This method is straightforward but can lead to tightly coupled Blueprints, making your project harder to maintain.

Example: Accessing a Variable from Another Blueprint

  1. Create Two Blueprints:

    • BP_Player (Player Blueprint)
    • BP_Enemy (Enemy Blueprint)
  2. Add a Variable in BP_Player:

    • Name: Health
    • Type: Float
    • Default Value: 100.0
  3. Access the Variable in BP_Enemy:

    • In BP_Enemy, create a variable of type BP_Player called PlayerReference.
    • In the Event Graph of BP_Enemy, use the Get Player Character node to get a reference to the player and cast it to BP_Player.
    • Set the PlayerReference variable to this casted reference.
    • Now, you can access the Health variable from PlayerReference.
// BP_Enemy Event Graph
Event BeginPlay
    PlayerCharacter = Get Player Character
    PlayerReference = Cast to BP_Player(PlayerCharacter)
    PlayerHealth = PlayerReference.Health

Exercise: Direct Communication

Task: Create a BP_HealthPickup Blueprint that increases the player's health when collected.


  1. Create a BP_HealthPickup Blueprint.
  2. Add a Box Collision component.
  3. In the Event Graph, use the OnComponentBeginOverlap event.
  4. Get the overlapping actor, cast it to BP_Player, and increase the Health variable.


// BP_HealthPickup Event Graph
OnComponentBeginOverlap(Box Collision)
    OverlappingActor = Other Actor
    Player = Cast to BP_Player(OverlappingActor)
    if (Player)
        Player.Health += 20.0
        Destroy Actor(Self)

Event Dispatchers

Event Dispatchers allow a Blueprint to broadcast an event that other Blueprints can listen to and respond to. This method is useful for decoupling Blueprints and creating more modular code.

Example: Using Event Dispatchers

  1. Create an Event Dispatcher in BP_Player:

    • Name: OnHealthChanged
  2. Bind the Event Dispatcher in BP_Enemy:

    • In BP_Enemy, create a variable of type BP_Player called PlayerReference.
    • In the Event Graph, bind the OnHealthChanged event to a custom event.
// BP_Enemy Event Graph
Event BeginPlay
    PlayerCharacter = Get Player Character
    PlayerReference = Cast to BP_Player(PlayerCharacter)
    Bind Event to OnHealthChanged(PlayerReference, CustomEvent_OnHealthChanged)

    // Handle health change
  1. Trigger the Event Dispatcher in BP_Player:
    • Whenever the Health variable changes, call the OnHealthChanged event.
// BP_Player Event Graph
Function SetHealth(NewHealth)
    Health = NewHealth

Exercise: Event Dispatchers

Task: Create a BP_HealthBar Blueprint that updates when the player's health changes.


  1. Create a BP_HealthBar Blueprint.
  2. Add a ProgressBar widget.
  3. In the Event Graph, bind to the OnHealthChanged event of BP_Player.
  4. Update the ProgressBar when the event is triggered.


// BP_HealthBar Event Graph
Event BeginPlay
    PlayerCharacter = Get Player Character
    PlayerReference = Cast to BP_Player(PlayerCharacter)
    Bind Event to OnHealthChanged(PlayerReference, CustomEvent_OnHealthChanged)

    HealthPercentage = PlayerReference.Health / 100.0

Blueprint Interfaces

Blueprint Interfaces define a set of functions that multiple Blueprints can implement. This method is useful for creating a common communication protocol between different Blueprints.

Example: Using Blueprint Interfaces

  1. Create a Blueprint Interface:

    • Name: BPI_Interactable
    • Add a function called Interact
  2. Implement the Interface in BP_Player and BP_Enemy:

    • In BP_Player and BP_Enemy, add the BPI_Interactable interface.
    • Implement the Interact function in both Blueprints.
// BP_Player Interact Function
Function Interact
    // Player-specific interaction logic

// BP_Enemy Interact Function
Function Interact
    // Enemy-specific interaction logic
  1. Call the Interface Function:
    • In another Blueprint, call the Interact function on any actor that implements the BPI_Interactable interface.
// Some Blueprint Event Graph
Event SomeEvent
    InteractableActor = Get Some Actor
    if (Does Implement Interface(InteractableActor, BPI_Interactable))

Exercise: Blueprint Interfaces

Task: Create a BP_Door Blueprint that opens when the player interacts with it.


  1. Create a BP_Door Blueprint.
  2. Add the BPI_Interactable interface.
  3. Implement the Interact function to open the door.


// BP_Door Interact Function
Function Interact
    // Open door logic
    Set Actor Rotation(NewRotation)


In this module, we covered the three primary methods of Blueprint communication: Direct Communication, Event Dispatchers, and Blueprint Interfaces. Each method has its use cases and benefits, and understanding when to use each will help you create more modular and maintainable projects.

Next, we will delve into creating interactive objects, building on the communication methods learned here.

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