In this section, we will explore how to handle file input and output (I/O) in Prolog. File I/O is essential for reading data from files and writing data to files, which is a common requirement in many applications.

Key Concepts

  1. Opening and Closing Files: Learn how to open and close files in Prolog.
  2. Reading from Files: Understand how to read data from files.
  3. Writing to Files: Learn how to write data to files.
  4. File Modes: Different modes for opening files (read, write, append).
  5. Error Handling: Handling errors that may occur during file operations.

Opening and Closing Files

To perform file operations, you need to open the file first. Prolog provides the open/3 predicate for this purpose.


open(FileName, Mode, Stream).
  • FileName: The name of the file you want to open.
  • Mode: The mode in which you want to open the file (read, write, or append).
  • Stream: A variable that will be bound to the file stream.


% Open a file for reading
open('example.txt', read, Stream),
% Perform file operations here

Closing Files

Always close the file after performing the necessary operations using the close/1 predicate.


Reading from Files

Prolog provides several predicates to read data from files. The most commonly used are read/2 and read_line_to_string/2.

Reading Terms

% Open the file
open('example.txt', read, Stream),
% Read a term from the file
read(Stream, Term),
% Close the file

Reading Lines

% Open the file
open('example.txt', read, Stream),
% Read a line from the file
read_line_to_string(Stream, Line),
% Close the file


% Open the file for reading
open('example.txt', read, Stream),
% Read and print each line
    read_line_to_string(Stream, Line),
    ( Line == end_of_file -> !, close(Stream) ; writeln(Line), fail ).

Writing to Files

To write data to a file, you can use the write/2 and writeln/2 predicates.


% Open the file for writing
open('output.txt', write, Stream),
% Write data to the file
write(Stream, 'Hello, Prolog!'),
nl(Stream), % New line
writeln(Stream, 'This is a new line.'),
% Close the file

File Modes

  • read: Open the file for reading.
  • write: Open the file for writing. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
  • append: Open the file for appending. Data will be added to the end of the file.


% Open the file for appending
open('output.txt', append, Stream),
% Append data to the file
writeln(Stream, 'Appending this line.'),
% Close the file

Error Handling

It's important to handle errors that may occur during file operations. Prolog provides the catch/3 predicate for this purpose.


% Attempt to open a non-existent file
    ( open('non_existent.txt', read, Stream), close(Stream) ),
    error(existence_error(source_sink, 'non_existent.txt'), _),
    writeln('File does not exist.')

Practical Exercise


Write a Prolog program that reads a list of numbers from a file, calculates their sum, and writes the result to another file.



% Read numbers from a file and calculate their sum
sum_file_numbers(InputFile, OutputFile) :-
    open(InputFile, read, InStream),
    read_numbers(InStream, Numbers),
    sum_list(Numbers, Sum),
    open(OutputFile, write, OutStream),
    writeln(OutStream, Sum),

% Read all numbers from the input stream
read_numbers(Stream, Numbers) :-
    read_line_to_string(Stream, Line),
    ( Line == end_of_file -> Numbers = [] ;
      number_string(Number, Line),
      read_numbers(Stream, RestNumbers),
      Numbers = [Number | RestNumbers]

% Calculate the sum of a list of numbers
sum_list([], 0).
sum_list([H|T], Sum) :-
    sum_list(T, RestSum),
    Sum is H + RestSum.


  1. Create a file named numbers.txt with the following content:

  2. Run the Prolog program:

    ?- sum_file_numbers('numbers.txt', 'sum.txt').
  3. Check the sum.txt file for the result.


In this section, we covered the basics of file I/O in Prolog, including opening and closing files, reading from files, writing to files, and handling errors. These skills are essential for working with external data in Prolog applications. In the next section, we will explore debugging techniques for Prolog programs.

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