Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) is an extension of Prolog that integrates constraints into the logic programming paradigm. It allows for more expressive and efficient problem-solving capabilities, particularly in domains such as scheduling, planning, and resource allocation.

Key Concepts

  1. Constraints: Conditions that variables must satisfy. They can be arithmetic, logical, or domain-specific.
  2. Domains: The set of possible values that variables can take.
  3. Constraint Solvers: Specialized algorithms that handle the propagation and satisfaction of constraints.

Basic Syntax and Structure

In CLP, constraints are typically expressed using special predicates provided by the constraint solver library. Here’s a simple example using the clpfd (Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains) library in SWI-Prolog:

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

solve(X, Y) :-
    X + Y #= 10,
    X #> 0,
    Y #> 0.


  • :- use_module(library(clpfd)).: This line imports the clpfd library.
  • X + Y #= 10: This constraint states that the sum of X and Y must be 10.
  • X #> 0: This constraint states that X must be greater than 0.
  • Y #> 0: This constraint states that Y must be greater than 0.

Practical Example

Let's solve a simple problem: finding two numbers whose sum is 10 and both are greater than 0.

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

solve(X, Y) :-
    X + Y #= 10,
    X #> 0,
    Y #> 0,
    labeling([], [X, Y]).


  • labeling([], [X, Y]): This predicate is used to find all possible values for X and Y that satisfy the constraints.

Running the Query

?- solve(X, Y).
X = 1,
Y = 9 ;
X = 2,
Y = 8 ;
X = 3,
Y = 7 ;
X = 4,
Y = 6 ;
X = 5,
Y = 5 ;
X = 6,
Y = 4 ;
X = 7,
Y = 3 ;
X = 8,
Y = 2 ;
X = 9,
Y = 1.


Exercise 1: Simple Arithmetic Constraints

Write a Prolog program to find two numbers A and B such that:

  • A + B = 15
  • A > 5
  • B < 10


:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

find_numbers(A, B) :-
    A + B #= 15,
    A #> 5,
    B #< 10,
    labeling([], [A, B]).

Exercise 2: Scheduling Problem

You need to schedule three tasks T1, T2, and T3 such that:

  • T1 starts at time 1 and ends at time 4.
  • T2 starts at time 3 and ends at time 6.
  • T3 starts at time 5 and ends at time 7.
  • No two tasks can overlap.


:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

schedule(T1, T2, T3) :-
    T1 = [S1, E1], S1 #= 1, E1 #= 4,
    T2 = [S2, E2], S2 #= 3, E2 #= 6,
    T3 = [S3, E3], S3 #= 5, E3 #= 7,
    disjoint1([T1, T2, T3]),
    labeling([], [S1, E1, S2, E2, S3, E3]).

disjoint1([[_S1, E1], [S2, _E2] | Rest]) :-
    E1 #=< S2,
    disjoint1([[S2, _E2] | Rest]).

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Forgetting to import the clpfd library: Always ensure you have :- use_module(library(clpfd)). at the beginning of your program.
  • Not using labeling/2: This predicate is crucial for finding all possible solutions that satisfy the constraints.
  • Overlapping constraints: Ensure that constraints do not contradict each other, which would make the problem unsolvable.


Constraint Logic Programming extends the capabilities of Prolog by integrating constraints, making it a powerful tool for solving complex problems in various domains. By understanding and applying constraints, you can efficiently solve problems that would be difficult to handle with traditional logic programming alone.

In the next section, we will explore File I/O in Prolog, which will allow you to read from and write to files, further enhancing your Prolog programming skills.

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