In this section, we will delve into two advanced features of Prolog: the cut operator and negation. These concepts are crucial for controlling the flow of Prolog programs and for implementing more complex logic.

The Cut Operator

The cut operator (!) is used in Prolog to control backtracking. When Prolog encounters a cut in a rule, it commits to the choices made so far and prevents any further backtracking past the cut.

Syntax and Usage

The cut operator is represented by an exclamation mark (!). It is typically used within the body of a rule.

example_rule(X) :-


Consider the following example where we use the cut operator to prevent backtracking:

max(X, Y, X) :- X >= Y, !.
max(X, Y, Y).

In this example, the max/3 predicate determines the maximum of two numbers. The cut operator ensures that once X >= Y is true, Prolog will not consider the second clause.


  1. If X >= Y is true, Prolog commits to the first clause and does not backtrack to the second clause.
  2. If X >= Y is false, Prolog skips the first clause and evaluates the second clause.

Practical Exercise

Exercise: Write a Prolog predicate min/3 that finds the minimum of two numbers using the cut operator.


min(X, Y, X) :- X =< Y, !.
min(X, Y, Y).


Negation in Prolog is used to express that a certain condition is not true. Prolog uses negation-as-failure, meaning that a goal is considered false if Prolog fails to prove it.

Syntax and Usage

Negation is represented by the \+ operator.

not_condition(X) :-
    \+ condition(X).


Consider the following example where we use negation to check if a number is not even:

is_odd(X) :-
    \+ (X mod 2 =:= 0).


  1. The is_odd/1 predicate checks if X is not even.
  2. The \+ operator negates the condition (X mod 2 =:= 0).

Practical Exercise

Exercise: Write a Prolog predicate is_singleton/1 that checks if a list has exactly one element using negation.


is_singleton([_]) :- !.
is_singleton(_) :- \+ true.

Combining Cut and Negation

Combining cut and negation can be powerful but should be done with care to avoid unintended consequences.


Consider a scenario where we want to check if a number is positive and not zero:

is_positive(X) :-
    X > 0,
    \+ (X =:= 0).


  1. The is_positive/1 predicate first checks if X is greater than 0.
  2. The cut operator commits to this choice.
  3. The negation ensures that X is not zero.

Practical Exercise

Exercise: Write a Prolog predicate is_non_negative/1 that checks if a number is non-negative using both cut and negation.


is_non_negative(X) :-
    X >= 0,
    \+ (X < 0).

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Overusing Cut: Overusing the cut operator can make your code harder to understand and debug. Use it judiciously.
  • Negation Pitfalls: Be cautious with negation, especially when dealing with variables that are not instantiated. Negation-as-failure can lead to unexpected results if not used properly.


In this section, we covered the cut operator and negation in Prolog. The cut operator is used to control backtracking, while negation is used to express that a condition is not true. We also explored practical examples and exercises to reinforce these concepts. Understanding and using these features effectively will allow you to write more efficient and complex Prolog programs.

Next, we will explore meta-programming in Prolog, which allows for more dynamic and flexible code.

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