Introduction to Grails

Grails is a powerful web application framework based on the Groovy programming language. It leverages the principles of the Convention over Configuration (CoC) paradigm, making it easy to build web applications with minimal configuration. Grails is built on top of the Spring framework and integrates seamlessly with Hibernate for ORM (Object-Relational Mapping).

Key Features of Grails

  • Convention over Configuration: Reduces the need for extensive configuration files.
  • DRY Principle: Encourages code reuse and reduces redundancy.
  • Groovy-based: Leverages the dynamic features of Groovy.
  • Spring and Hibernate Integration: Provides robust backend support.
  • Scaffolding: Automatically generates CRUD operations for domain classes.
  • Plugins: Extensible with a wide range of plugins.

Setting Up Grails


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher
  • Groovy (optional, as Grails includes its own Groovy distribution)
  • Grails framework

Installation Steps

  1. Download Grails: Visit the Grails website and download the latest version.
  2. Set Environment Variables:
    • Add GRAILS_HOME environment variable pointing to the Grails installation directory.
    • Add Grails bin directory to the PATH environment variable.
  3. Verify Installation:
    grails -version

Creating a New Grails Application

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create a New Application:

    grails create-app myapp

    This command creates a new Grails application named myapp.

  2. Navigate to the Application Directory:

    cd myapp
  3. Run the Application:

    grails run-app

    This command starts the Grails development server. You can access the application at http://localhost:8080.

Grails Application Structure

Directory Layout

  • grails-app: Contains the main application code.
    • controllers: MVC controllers.
    • domain: Domain classes (models).
    • services: Business logic.
    • views: GSP (Groovy Server Pages) views.
    • conf: Configuration files.
  • src: Contains Groovy and Java source files.
  • test: Contains test cases.
  • build.gradle: Build configuration file.

Creating a Domain Class

Example: Book Domain Class

package myapp

class Book {
    String title
    String author
    Date releaseDate

    static constraints = {
        title blank: false
        author blank: false
        releaseDate nullable: true
  • Constraints: Define validation rules for the fields.

Generating Scaffolding

Generate CRUD Operations

grails generate-all myapp.Book

This command generates controllers, views, and other necessary files for the Book domain class.

Controllers and Views

Example: BookController

package myapp

class BookController {
    static scaffold = Book
  • Scaffold: Automatically generates CRUD actions.

Example: GSP View (show.gsp)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="layout" content="main"/>
    <title>Show Book</title>
    <h1>Show Book</h1>
    <g:fieldValue bean="${book}" field="title"/>
    <g:fieldValue bean="${book}" field="author"/>
    <g:fieldValue bean="${book}" field="releaseDate"/>

Practical Exercise

Task: Create a Simple Library Application

  1. Create a new Grails application named library.
  2. Create a Book domain class with fields: title, author, and releaseDate.
  3. Generate scaffolding for the Book domain class.
  4. Run the application and test the CRUD operations.


  1. Create Application:

    grails create-app library
    cd library
  2. Create Domain Class:

    package library
    class Book {
        String title
        String author
        Date releaseDate
        static constraints = {
            title blank: false
            author blank: false
            releaseDate nullable: true
  3. Generate Scaffolding:

    grails generate-all library.Book
  4. Run Application:

    grails run-app


In this section, we introduced the Grails framework, set up the environment, and created a simple Grails application. We explored the application structure, created a domain class, and generated scaffolding for CRUD operations. Finally, we provided a practical exercise to reinforce the learned concepts. In the next module, we will delve into other Groovy libraries and tools that complement the Grails framework.

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