The Spock Testing Framework is a powerful and expressive testing framework for Java and Groovy applications. It leverages Groovy's dynamic capabilities to provide a more readable and maintainable way to write tests. In this section, we will cover the basics of Spock, its features, and how to write and run tests using Spock.

What is Spock?

Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications. It is designed to be expressive and readable, making it easier to write and understand tests. Spock supports both unit and integration testing and integrates seamlessly with popular build tools like Gradle and Maven.

Key Features of Spock:

  • Specification Language: Spock uses a specification language that is more readable and expressive than traditional testing frameworks.
  • Data-Driven Testing: Spock makes it easy to write data-driven tests using data tables.
  • Mocking and Stubbing: Spock has built-in support for mocking and stubbing, making it easier to isolate the code under test.
  • Integration with Build Tools: Spock integrates seamlessly with Gradle and Maven, making it easy to run tests as part of your build process.

Setting Up Spock

To use Spock in your Groovy project, you need to add the Spock dependencies to your build configuration. Here, we'll show you how to set up Spock with Gradle.

Adding Spock to a Gradle Project

  1. Open your build.gradle file.
  2. Add the Spock dependencies to the dependencies section:
dependencies {
    testImplementation 'org.spockframework:spock-core:2.0-groovy-3.0'
    testImplementation 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:3.0.7'
  1. Ensure you have the test task configured to run your tests:
test {

Writing Your First Spock Test

Let's write a simple Spock test to get started. We'll create a test for a simple calculator class.

Calculator Class

First, create a simple Calculator class:

class Calculator {
    int add(int a, int b) {
        return a + b

    int subtract(int a, int b) {
        return a - b

Spock Test Specification

Next, create a Spock test specification for the Calculator class:

import spock.lang.Specification

class CalculatorSpec extends Specification {

    def "addition should return the sum of two numbers"() {
        given: "a calculator"
        def calculator = new Calculator()

        when: "adding two numbers"
        def result = calculator.add(3, 4)

        then: "the result should be the sum of the numbers"
        result == 7

    def "subtraction should return the difference of two numbers"() {
        given: "a calculator"
        def calculator = new Calculator()

        when: "subtracting two numbers"
        def result = calculator.subtract(10, 4)

        then: "the result should be the difference of the numbers"
        result == 6

Explanation of the Test Specification

  • Specification Class: The test class extends spock.lang.Specification, which is the base class for all Spock specifications.
  • Feature Methods: Each test method is called a feature method. The method name should describe the behavior being tested.
  • Blocks: Spock uses blocks to structure the test:
    • given: Sets up the context or preconditions.
    • when: Describes the action or event.
    • then: Specifies the expected outcome.

Running Spock Tests

To run your Spock tests, simply execute the test task in Gradle:

./gradlew test

Gradle will compile and run your Spock tests, and you will see the test results in the console.

Data-Driven Testing

Spock makes it easy to write data-driven tests using data tables. Let's modify our CalculatorSpec to include a data-driven test for the addition method.

Data-Driven Test Example

import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll

class CalculatorSpec extends Specification {

    def "addition of #a and #b should return #result"() {
        given: "a calculator"
        def calculator = new Calculator()

        expect: "the result should be the sum of the numbers"
        calculator.add(a, b) == result

        a | b || result
        1 | 2 || 3
        3 | 4 || 7
        5 | 6 || 11

Explanation of Data-Driven Test

  • @Unroll: The @Unroll annotation tells Spock to run the test for each row in the data table and include the parameter values in the test name.
  • where Block: The where block defines the data table. Each row represents a set of input values and the expected result.

Mocking and Stubbing

Spock has built-in support for mocking and stubbing, which makes it easy to isolate the code under test. Let's see an example of how to use mocks in Spock.

Mocking Example

Suppose we have a UserService class that depends on a UserRepository interface. We want to test the UserService without relying on the actual UserRepository implementation.

interface UserRepository {
    User findUserById(Long id)

class UserService {
    UserRepository userRepository

    User getUser(Long id) {
        return userRepository.findUserById(id)

Spock Test with Mock

import spock.lang.Specification

class UserServiceSpec extends Specification {

    def "getUser should return user from repository"() {
        given: "a user repository mock"
        def userRepository = Mock(UserRepository)
        def userService = new UserService(userRepository: userRepository)
        def user = new User(id: 1, name: "John Doe")

        when: "the repository returns a user"
        userRepository.findUserById(1) >> user

        then: "the service should return the user"
        userService.getUser(1) == user

Explanation of Mocking Example

  • Mock: The Mock method creates a mock implementation of the UserRepository interface.
  • Interaction: The >> operator is used to define the behavior of the mock. In this case, it specifies that when findUserById(1) is called, the mock should return the user object.


In this section, we have covered the basics of the Spock Testing Framework, including setting up Spock, writing and running tests, data-driven testing, and mocking. Spock's expressive syntax and powerful features make it an excellent choice for testing Groovy and Java applications. In the next module, we will explore the Grails Framework and how it can be used for web development with Groovy.

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