Web development is a crucial skill for modern programmers, and Groovy offers powerful tools and frameworks to make web development efficient and enjoyable. In this section, we will explore how to use Groovy for web development, focusing on the Grails framework, which is a high-productivity web application framework based on Groovy and Java.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Grails
  2. Setting Up a Grails Project
  3. Creating Controllers and Views
  4. Working with Domain Classes
  5. Services and Dependency Injection
  6. Practical Exercise: Building a Simple Web Application

  1. Introduction to Grails

Grails is an open-source web application framework that leverages the Groovy language. It is built on top of the Spring framework and provides a convention-over-configuration approach, which simplifies the development process.

Key Features of Grails:

  • Convention-over-Configuration: Reduces the need for configuration files.
  • Scaffolding: Automatically generates CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
  • Built-in Testing: Supports unit and integration testing out of the box.
  • Plugins: A rich ecosystem of plugins to extend functionality.

  1. Setting Up a Grails Project


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed.
  • Groovy installed.
  • Grails installed.

Steps to Set Up a Grails Project:

  1. Install Grails:

    sdk install grails
  2. Create a New Grails Application:

    grails create-app myapp
    cd myapp
  3. Run the Application:

    grails run-app

    This will start the Grails development server, and you can access the application at http://localhost:8080.

  1. Creating Controllers and Views

Controllers handle web requests and return responses. Views are responsible for rendering the user interface.

Creating a Controller:

grails create-controller myapp.Book

This command creates a BookController.groovy file in the grails-app/controllers/myapp directory.

Example Controller:

package myapp

class BookController {

    def index() {
        render(view: "index")

    def show(Long id) {
        def book = Book.get(id)
        if (!book) {
            flash.message = "Book not found"
            redirect(action: "index")
        } else {
            [book: book]

Creating a View:

Create a GSP (Groovy Server Page) file in the grails-app/views/book directory named index.gsp.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="layout" content="main"/>
    <title>Book List</title>
    <h1>Book List</h1>
    <g:each in="${bookList}" var="book">

  1. Working with Domain Classes

Domain classes represent the data model and are mapped to the database.

Creating a Domain Class:

grails create-domain-class myapp.Book

Example Domain Class:

package myapp

class Book {
    String title
    String author
    Date publishedDate

    static constraints = {
        title blank: false, size: 1..255
        author blank: false, size: 1..255
        publishedDate nullable: true

  1. Services and Dependency Injection

Services contain business logic and can be injected into controllers or other services.

Creating a Service:

grails create-service myapp.BookService

Example Service:

package myapp

class BookService {

    def listBooks() {

    def saveBook(Book book) {
        book.save(flush: true)

Injecting a Service into a Controller:

package myapp

class BookController {

    BookService bookService

    def index() {
        [bookList: bookService.listBooks()]

  1. Practical Exercise: Building a Simple Web Application


  1. Create a new Grails application named library.
  2. Create a Book domain class with fields: title, author, and publishedDate.
  3. Generate a controller and views for the Book domain class.
  4. Implement CRUD operations for the Book domain class.
  5. Create a service to handle business logic for books.
  6. Inject the service into the controller and use it to list and save books.


  1. Create a new Grails application:

    grails create-app library
    cd library
  2. Create the Book domain class:

    grails create-domain-class library.Book
    package library
    class Book {
        String title
        String author
        Date publishedDate
        static constraints = {
            title blank: false, size: 1..255
            author blank: false, size: 1..255
            publishedDate nullable: true
  3. Generate a controller and views:

    grails generate-all library.Book
  4. Implement CRUD operations: The generate-all command automatically creates CRUD operations.

  5. Create a service:

    grails create-service library.BookService
    package library
    class BookService {
        def listBooks() {
        def saveBook(Book book) {
            book.save(flush: true)
  6. Inject the service into the controller**:

    package library
    class BookController {
        BookService bookService
        def index() {
            [bookList: bookService.listBooks()]


In this section, we covered the basics of web development with Groovy using the Grails framework. We learned how to set up a Grails project, create controllers and views, work with domain classes, and use services for business logic. The practical exercise provided hands-on experience in building a simple web application. In the next module, we will explore file I/O operations in Groovy.

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