In this module, we will delve into advanced networking concepts within Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This module is designed for those who have a foundational understanding of GCP networking and are looking to expand their knowledge to more complex scenarios and configurations.

Key Concepts

  1. VPC Peering
  2. Shared VPC
  3. Private Google Access
  4. Cloud Interconnect
  5. Cloud VPN
  6. Network Service Tiers
  7. Firewall Rules and Policies
  8. Network Telemetry

  1. VPC Peering

What is VPC Peering?

VPC Peering allows you to connect two Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks, enabling resources in different VPCs to communicate with each other using private IP addresses.


  • Low Latency: Direct network path between VPCs.
  • High Bandwidth: No bandwidth bottlenecks.
  • Cost-Effective: No need for external IP addresses or VPNs.


# Example: Creating a VPC Peering connection using gcloud command-line tool

# Create VPC networks
gcloud compute networks create vpc-1 --subnet-mode=custom
gcloud compute networks create vpc-2 --subnet-mode=custom

# Create subnets
gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-1 --network=vpc-1 --region=us-central1 --range=
gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-2 --network=vpc-2 --region=us-central1 --range=

# Create VPC peering
gcloud compute networks peerings create vpc-1-to-vpc-2 --network=vpc-1 --peer-network=vpc-2
gcloud compute networks peerings create vpc-2-to-vpc-1 --network=vpc-2 --peer-network=vpc-1


  • Create VPC networks: Two VPC networks named vpc-1 and vpc-2.
  • Create subnets: Subnets within each VPC.
  • Create VPC peering: Establish peering connections between the two VPCs.

  1. Shared VPC

What is Shared VPC?

Shared VPC allows multiple projects to share a common VPC network, enabling centralized control over network resources while allowing project-level autonomy.


  • Centralized Network Management: Simplifies network administration.
  • Resource Sharing: Efficient use of network resources across projects.
  • Security: Centralized control over firewall rules and policies.


# Example: Setting up Shared VPC

# Enable Shared VPC in the host project
gcloud compute shared-vpc enable host-project

# Associate a service project with the host project
gcloud compute shared-vpc associated-projects add service-project --host-project=host-project

# Create a subnet in the host project
gcloud compute networks subnets create shared-subnet --network=host-vpc --region=us-central1 --range=

# Grant IAM roles to allow service project to use the subnet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding service-project --member='serviceAccount:[email protected]' --role='roles/compute.networkUser'


  • Enable Shared VPC: Activates Shared VPC in the host project.
  • Associate Service Project: Links a service project to the host project.
  • Create Subnet: Defines a subnet in the host project.
  • Grant IAM Roles: Provides necessary permissions to the service project.

  1. Private Google Access

What is Private Google Access?

Private Google Access allows instances in a VPC to reach Google APIs and services using internal IP addresses, without requiring external IP addresses.


  • Security: No need for external IP addresses.
  • Cost Savings: Avoids egress charges for accessing Google services.


# Example: Enabling Private Google Access

# Enable Private Google Access on a subnet
gcloud compute networks subnets update subnet-1 --region=us-central1 --enable-private-ip-google-access


  • Enable Private Google Access: Configures a subnet to allow instances to access Google services using internal IP addresses.

  1. Cloud Interconnect

What is Cloud Interconnect?

Cloud Interconnect provides high-bandwidth, low-latency connections between your on-premises network and GCP.


  • Dedicated Interconnect: Direct physical connections.
  • Partner Interconnect: Connections through a supported service provider.


  • High Performance: Low latency and high bandwidth.
  • Reliability: Redundant connections for high availability.


# Example: Creating a Dedicated Interconnect

# Reserve an interconnect
gcloud compute interconnects create my-interconnect --customer-name="My Company" --interconnect-type=DEDICATED --link-type=LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET_10G_LR --location=us-central1

# Create an interconnect attachment (VLAN)
gcloud compute interconnects attachments create my-attachment --region=us-central1 --interconnect=my-interconnect --vlan=1234


  • Reserve Interconnect: Reserves a dedicated interconnect.
  • Create Attachment: Defines a VLAN attachment for the interconnect.

  1. Cloud VPN

What is Cloud VPN?

Cloud VPN securely connects your on-premises network to your GCP VPC network through an IPsec VPN connection.


  • Security: Encrypted connections.
  • Flexibility: Supports multiple VPN tunnels.


# Example: Creating a Cloud VPN

# Create a VPN gateway
gcloud compute target-vpn-gateways create my-vpn-gateway --region=us-central1 --network=vpc-1

# Create a VPN tunnel
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create my-vpn-tunnel --region=us-central1 --target-vpn-gateway=my-vpn-gateway --peer-address= --shared-secret=my-secret


  • Create VPN Gateway: Defines a VPN gateway in the VPC.
  • Create VPN Tunnel: Establishes a VPN tunnel to the on-premises network.

  1. Network Service Tiers

What are Network Service Tiers?

Network Service Tiers allow you to choose between Premium Tier (global network) and Standard Tier (regional network) for your GCP resources.


  • Cost Control: Choose the tier that fits your budget.
  • Performance: Premium Tier offers better performance and reliability.


# Example: Setting Network Service Tier

# Set the network tier for an instance
gcloud compute instances create my-instance --zone=us-central1-a --network-tier=PREMIUM


  • Set Network Tier: Configures the network tier for a compute instance.

  1. Firewall Rules and Policies

What are Firewall Rules and Policies?

Firewall rules and policies control the traffic to and from your VPC networks, enhancing security and traffic management.


  • Security: Protects resources from unauthorized access.
  • Traffic Management: Controls inbound and outbound traffic.


# Example: Creating a Firewall Rule

# Create a firewall rule to allow SSH traffic
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-ssh --network=vpc-1 --allow=tcp:22 --source-ranges=


  • Create Firewall Rule: Defines a rule to allow SSH traffic to instances in the VPC.

  1. Network Telemetry

What is Network Telemetry?

Network Telemetry provides insights into the performance and health of your network, helping you monitor and troubleshoot issues.


  • Visibility: Detailed network metrics and logs.
  • Troubleshooting: Helps identify and resolve network issues.


# Example: Enabling VPC Flow Logs

# Enable VPC Flow Logs for a subnet
gcloud compute networks subnets update subnet-1 --region=us-central1 --enable-flow-logs


  • Enable VPC Flow Logs: Configures a subnet to capture flow logs for network traffic analysis.


In this module, we covered advanced networking concepts in GCP, including VPC Peering, Shared VPC, Private Google Access, Cloud Interconnect, Cloud VPN, Network Service Tiers, Firewall Rules and Policies, and Network Telemetry. These advanced features enable you to build robust, secure, and high-performance network architectures in GCP.

Next, we will explore security best practices to further enhance the security of your GCP environment.

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