Cloud Load Balancing is a fully distributed, software-defined managed service for all your traffic. It provides load balancing for HTTP(S), TCP/SSL, and UDP traffic, and it can be used to distribute traffic across multiple backend instances, regions, and even hybrid environments.
Key Concepts
Load Balancer Types:
- HTTP(S) Load Balancing: Distributes HTTP and HTTPS traffic.
- TCP/SSL Proxy Load Balancing: Distributes TCP and SSL traffic.
- UDP Load Balancing: Distributes UDP traffic.
Backend Services:
- Instance Groups: Collections of VM instances that serve as the backend for the load balancer.
- Backend Buckets: Cloud Storage buckets that serve static content.
Health Checks:
- Regularly check the health of backend instances to ensure traffic is only sent to healthy instances.
URL Maps:
- Define how incoming requests are routed to backend services based on URL patterns.
SSL Certificates:
- Secure your load balancer with SSL certificates for HTTPS traffic.
Setting Up a Load Balancer
Step 1: Create a Managed Instance Group
gcloud compute instance-groups managed create my-instance-group \ --base-instance-name my-instance \ --template my-instance-template \ --size 3 \ --zone us-central1-a
Step 2: Configure a Backend Service
gcloud compute backend-services create my-backend-service \ --protocol HTTP \ --port-name http \ --health-checks my-health-check \ --global
Step 3: Add the Instance Group to the Backend Service
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend my-backend-service \ --instance-group my-instance-group \ --instance-group-zone us-central1-a \ --global
Step 4: Create a URL Map
Step 5: Create a Target HTTP Proxy
Step 6: Create a Global Forwarding Rule
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create my-http-rule \ --global \ --target-http-proxy my-http-proxy \ --ports 80
Practical Example
Example: Setting Up an HTTP Load Balancer
Create a Health Check:
gcloud compute health-checks create http my-health-check
--port 80
--request-path / -
Create a Managed Instance Group:
gcloud compute instance-templates create my-template
--machine-type n1-standard-1
--image-family debian-9
--image-project debian-cloud
--metadata startup-script='#! /bin/bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y apache2 sudo service apache2 restart'gcloud compute instance-groups managed create my-instance-group
--base-instance-name my-instance
--template my-template
--size 2
--zone us-central1-a -
Create a Backend Service:
gcloud compute backend-services create my-backend-service
--protocol HTTP
--port-name http
--health-checks my-health-check
--global -
Add the Instance Group to the Backend Service:
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend my-backend-service
--instance-group my-instance-group
--instance-group-zone us-central1-a
--global -
Create a URL Map:
gcloud compute url-maps create my-url-map
--default-service my-backend-service -
Create a Target HTTP Proxy:
gcloud compute target-http-proxies create my-http-proxy
--url-map my-url-map -
Create a Global Forwarding Rule:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create my-http-rule
--target-http-proxy my-http-proxy
--ports 80
Exercise 1: Create a Load Balancer for HTTPS Traffic
Create an SSL Certificate:
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create my-ssl-cert
--certificate /path/to/cert.pem
--private-key /path/to/key.pem -
Create a Target HTTPS Proxy:
gcloud compute target-https-proxies create my-https-proxy
--url-map my-url-map
--ssl-certificates my-ssl-cert -
Create a Global Forwarding Rule for HTTPS:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create my-https-rule
--target-https-proxy my-https-proxy
--ports 443
Create an SSL Certificate:
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create my-ssl-cert
--certificate /path/to/cert.pem
--private-key /path/to/key.pem -
Create a Target HTTPS Proxy:
gcloud compute target-https-proxies create my-https-proxy
--url-map my-url-map
--ssl-certificates my-ssl-cert -
Create a Global Forwarding Rule for HTTPS:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create my-https-rule
--target-https-proxy my-https-proxy
--ports 443
Common Mistakes and Tips
- Health Check Configuration: Ensure that your health checks are correctly configured to match the expected response from your backend instances.
- Instance Group Location: Make sure your instance groups are in the same region as your backend services.
- SSL Certificates: Use managed SSL certificates for easier management and automatic renewal.
In this section, you learned about the different types of load balancers available in GCP and how to set up an HTTP load balancer. You also practiced creating an HTTPS load balancer. Understanding and implementing load balancing is crucial for distributing traffic efficiently and ensuring high availability and reliability of your applications. In the next section, we will dive into Cloud CDN to further optimize your content delivery.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Course
Module 1: Introduction to Google Cloud Platform
- What is Google Cloud Platform?
- Setting Up Your GCP Account
- GCP Console Overview
- Understanding Projects and Billing
Module 2: Core GCP Services
Module 3: Networking and Security
Module 4: Data and Analytics
Module 5: Machine Learning and AI
Module 6: DevOps and Monitoring
- Cloud Build
- Cloud Source Repositories
- Cloud Functions
- Stackdriver Monitoring
- Cloud Deployment Manager
Module 7: Advanced GCP Topics
- Hybrid and Multi-Cloud with Anthos
- Serverless Computing with Cloud Run
- Advanced Networking
- Security Best Practices
- Cost Management and Optimization