In this section, we will explore various methods to recover lost commits in Git. Losing commits can be a stressful experience, but Git provides several tools and techniques to help you recover your work. We will cover the following topics:

  1. Understanding Lost Commits
  2. Using git reflog
  3. Recovering Commits with git cherry-pick
  4. Using git fsck
  5. Practical Exercises

Understanding Lost Commits

Lost commits typically occur due to actions like resetting branches, deleting branches, or force-pushing changes. However, Git's design ensures that most data is not immediately deleted but rather becomes "dangling" and can often be recovered.

Using git reflog

The git reflog command is one of the most powerful tools for recovering lost commits. It records updates to the tip of branches and other references, allowing you to see the history of changes.


# View the reflog for the current branch
git reflog

This command will display a list of recent actions, including commits, resets, and checkouts. Each entry is associated with a reference (e.g., HEAD@{1}).


The output of git reflog might look like this:

a1b2c3d HEAD@{0}: commit: Added new feature
e4f5g6h HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to HEAD~1
i7j8k9l HEAD@{2}: commit: Fixed bug

You can use these references to recover lost commits.

Recovering a Commit

To recover a commit, you can use the git checkout or git reset command with the reflog reference.

# Checkout the lost commit
git checkout HEAD@{1}

Or, if you want to move the branch pointer:

# Reset the branch to the lost commit
git reset --hard HEAD@{1}

Recovering Commits with git cherry-pick

If you know the commit hash of the lost commit, you can use git cherry-pick to apply it to your current branch.


# Cherry-pick the lost commit
git cherry-pick <commit-hash>


This command applies the changes from the specified commit to your current branch, effectively recovering the lost commit.

Using git fsck

The git fsck command is used to check the integrity of the Git repository and can help identify dangling commits.


# Check the repository for dangling commits
git fsck --lost-found


This command will list any dangling commits, which are commits that are not referenced by any branch or tag. You can then inspect these commits and recover them if necessary.

Recovering a Dangling Commit

To recover a dangling commit, you can create a new branch pointing to it.

# Create a new branch from the dangling commit
git branch recovered-branch <dangling-commit-hash>

Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Recovering a Commit with git reflog

  1. Make a few commits in a new repository.
  2. Use git reset --hard to move the branch pointer back a few commits.
  3. Use git reflog to find the lost commits.
  4. Recover the lost commits using git checkout or git reset.


# Step 1: Make a few commits
echo "First commit" > file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "First commit"

echo "Second commit" >> file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "Second commit"

echo "Third commit" >> file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "Third commit"

# Step 2: Reset the branch pointer
git reset --hard HEAD~2

# Step 3: Use git reflog to find the lost commits
git reflog

# Step 4: Recover the lost commits
git reset --hard HEAD@{1}

Exercise 2: Recovering a Dangling Commit with git fsck

  1. Make a few commits in a new repository.
  2. Delete a branch that contains unique commits.
  3. Use git fsck to find the dangling commits.
  4. Recover the dangling commits by creating a new branch.


# Step 1: Make a few commits
echo "First commit" > file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "First commit"

git checkout -b new-branch
echo "Second commit" >> file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "Second commit"

# Step 2: Delete the branch
git checkout main
git branch -D new-branch

# Step 3: Use git fsck to find the dangling commits
git fsck --lost-found

# Step 4: Recover the dangling commits
git branch recovered-branch <dangling-commit-hash>


Recovering lost commits in Git is a crucial skill that can save you from losing valuable work. By using tools like git reflog, git cherry-pick, and git fsck, you can effectively recover lost commits and continue your development process with minimal disruption. Practice these techniques to become proficient in handling lost commits and ensure your work is always recoverable.

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