In this lesson, we will explore the concepts of 3D audio and spatial sound in Unity. These features allow you to create immersive audio experiences that can significantly enhance the realism and engagement of your game.

Key Concepts

  1. 3D Audio: Refers to the ability to position sounds in a three-dimensional space, making them appear to come from specific directions and distances.
  2. Spatial Sound: Enhances 3D audio by simulating how sound interacts with the environment, including reflections, occlusions, and reverb.

Setting Up 3D Audio in Unity

Step 1: Importing Audio Clips

  1. Import Audio Clips:
    • Go to the Assets menu and select Import New Asset....
    • Choose your audio file and click Import.

Step 2: Adding an Audio Source

  1. Create an Empty GameObject:

    • Right-click in the Hierarchy window and select Create Empty.
    • Name it AudioSourceObject.
  2. Add an Audio Source Component:

    • With AudioSourceObject selected, go to the Inspector window.
    • Click Add Component and search for Audio Source.
    • Add the Audio Source component.
  3. Assign the Audio Clip:

    • In the Audio Source component, assign your imported audio clip to the Audio Clip field.

Step 3: Configuring 3D Sound Settings

  1. Enable 3D Sound:

    • In the Audio Source component, ensure the Spatial Blend slider is set to 1 (3D).
  2. Adjust 3D Sound Settings:

    • Volume Rolloff: Determines how the volume decreases with distance.
      • Options: Logarithmic Rolloff, Linear Rolloff, Custom Rolloff.
    • Min Distance: The distance within which the sound is at full volume.
    • Max Distance: The distance beyond which the sound is inaudible.

Example Code: Moving Audio Source

using UnityEngine;

public class MoveAudioSource : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform target;
    public float speed = 5f;

    void Update()
        if (target != null)
            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, target.position, speed * Time.deltaTime);
  • Explanation:
    • This script moves the AudioSourceObject towards a target object at a specified speed.
    • Attach this script to the AudioSourceObject and assign a target in the Inspector.

Spatial Sound with Audio Mixers

Step 1: Creating an Audio Mixer

  1. Create an Audio Mixer:

    • Go to the Assets menu, select Create, and then Audio Mixer.
    • Name it MainAudioMixer.
  2. Create an Audio Mixer Group:

    • In the Audio Mixer window, create a new group and name it SpatialGroup.

Step 2: Assigning Audio Source to Audio Mixer

  1. Assign Audio Source to Mixer Group:
    • In the Audio Source component, set the Output to SpatialGroup in MainAudioMixer.

Step 3: Adding Spatial Effects

  1. Add Reverb Zone:

    • Create a new GameObject and name it ReverbZone.
    • Add a Reverb Zone component via Add Component.
    • Adjust the Min Distance and Max Distance to define the area of effect.
  2. Configure Reverb Zone:

    • Set the Reverb Preset to a desired environment (e.g., Cave, Hallway).

Example Code: Dynamic Reverb Control

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Audio;

public class DynamicReverb : MonoBehaviour
    public AudioMixer audioMixer;
    public string reverbParameter = "ReverbLevel";
    public float maxReverb = 1.0f;
    public float minReverb = 0.0f;

    void Update()
        float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Camera.main.transform.position);
        float reverbLevel = Mathf.Lerp(minReverb, maxReverb, distance / 10f);
        audioMixer.SetFloat(reverbParameter, reverbLevel);
  • Explanation:
    • This script dynamically adjusts the reverb level based on the distance between the audio source and the camera.
    • Attach this script to the AudioSourceObject and assign the MainAudioMixer.

Practical Exercise

Task: Create a 3D Audio Environment

  1. Setup:

    • Import an audio clip of your choice.
    • Create an AudioSourceObject and add an Audio Source component.
    • Set the Spatial Blend to 1 (3D).
  2. Create a Moving Target:

    • Create a Cube and name it Target.
    • Attach the MoveAudioSource script to the AudioSourceObject and assign the Target.
  3. Add Reverb Zone:

    • Create a ReverbZone and configure it with a Cave preset.
    • Adjust the Min Distance and Max Distance to cover the area around the Target.
  4. Test:

    • Play the scene and observe how the audio changes as the AudioSourceObject moves towards the Target.


  • Follow the steps outlined in the practical exercise to set up the 3D audio environment.
  • Ensure the AudioSourceObject moves towards the Target and the reverb effect is noticeable as it enters the ReverbZone.


In this lesson, we covered the basics of 3D audio and spatial sound in Unity. You learned how to:

  • Import and configure audio clips for 3D sound.
  • Use audio mixers and reverb zones to enhance spatial sound.
  • Implement scripts to dynamically control audio properties based on game events.

By mastering these concepts, you can create immersive audio experiences that significantly enhance the player's engagement and realism in your game. In the next module, we will delve into advanced scripting techniques to further expand your Unity development skills.

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