In this section, we will cover the basics of creating and attaching scripts in Unity. Scripting is a fundamental part of game development in Unity, allowing you to control the behavior of game objects and implement game logic.

Key Concepts

  1. Scripts in Unity: Scripts are used to control the behavior of game objects. Unity primarily uses C# for scripting.
  2. MonoBehaviour: The base class from which every Unity script derives.
  3. Attaching Scripts: Scripts need to be attached to game objects to function.

Creating a Script

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Your Project: Ensure you have a Unity project open. If not, create a new project.
  2. Create a Script:
    • In the Project window, right-click in the Assets folder.
    • Navigate to Create > C# Script.
    • Name your script (e.g., PlayerController).

Example Script

using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
    // This method is called once when the script is enabled
    void Start()
        Debug.Log("PlayerController script has started.");

    // This method is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Move the player forward
        transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime);


  • using UnityEngine;: This line includes the UnityEngine namespace, which contains the classes and functions needed for Unity scripting.
  • public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour: Defines a new class PlayerController that inherits from MonoBehaviour.
  • void Start(): A method called once when the script is first enabled.
  • void Update(): A method called once per frame, used for regular updates like moving the player.

Attaching a Script to a Game Object

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Select a Game Object: In the Hierarchy window, select the game object you want to attach the script to (e.g., a Cube).
  2. Attach the Script:
    • Drag the script from the Project window and drop it onto the selected game object in the Hierarchy window.
    • Alternatively, with the game object selected, click Add Component in the Inspector window, search for your script by name, and select it.

Verifying the Script Attachment

  • Once attached, you should see the script component in the Inspector window of the selected game object.
  • The script will now control the behavior of the game object.

Practical Exercise


  1. Create a new script named Mover.
  2. Implement the script to move a game object upwards continuously.
  3. Attach the script to a Cube game object in your scene.


using UnityEngine;

public class Mover : MonoBehaviour
    void Update()
        // Move the game object upwards
        transform.Translate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime);

Steps to Attach

  1. Create a Cube in the scene (GameObject > 3D Object > Cube).
  2. Create the Mover script as described.
  3. Attach the Mover script to the Cube by dragging and dropping or using the Add Component button.

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Script Naming: Ensure your script names do not contain spaces or special characters.
  • Script Location: Place scripts in the Assets folder or subfolders for better organization.
  • Script Errors: If there are errors in your script, Unity will not allow you to attach it to a game object. Check the Console window for error messages.


In this section, you learned how to create and attach scripts in Unity. You now understand the basics of scripting with C# and how to control game object behavior. In the next section, we will delve deeper into understanding MonoBehaviour and its lifecycle methods.

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