
Welcome to the final project of the REXX Programming Course! This project will integrate all the concepts and skills you have learned throughout the course. You will create a comprehensive REXX application that automates a series of tasks, manipulates data, and interfaces with external systems. This project will test your understanding of REXX and your ability to apply it to solve real-world problems.

Project Overview


The objective of this project is to create a REXX application that:

  1. Reads data from a file.
  2. Processes and manipulates the data.
  3. Interacts with an external program or database.
  4. Outputs the results to a new file.
  5. Includes error handling and performance optimization.


  1. Data Input: Read data from a CSV file.
  2. Data Processing: Perform various string manipulations and calculations.
  3. External Interaction: Interface with a database to fetch additional data.
  4. Output: Write the processed data to a new CSV file.
  5. Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms.
  6. Optimization: Ensure the application runs efficiently.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

Ensure your REXX environment is set up correctly. You should have access to a REXX interpreter and any necessary libraries for file I/O and database interaction.

Step 2: Reading Data from a CSV File

Create a REXX script to read data from a CSV file. Use the following code as a starting point:

/* Read data from a CSV file */
inputFile = 'input.csv'
call stream inputFile, 'C', 'OPEN READ'
if stream(inputFile, 'S') <> 'READY:' then

data = ''
do while lines(inputFile) > 0
  line = linein(inputFile)
  data = data || line || ' '
call stream inputFile, 'C', 'CLOSE'
say 'Data read from file:'
say data

Step 3: Data Processing

Process the data by performing string manipulations and calculations. For example, you might want to split the data into individual fields and perform some calculations:

/* Process the data */
lines = words(data)
do i = 1 to lines
  line = word(data, i)
  fields = words(line)
  /* Example: Convert the first field to uppercase */
  field1 = word(line, 1)
  field1 = translate(field1)
  /* Example: Calculate the sum of numeric fields */
  sum = 0
  do j = 2 to fields
    sum = sum + word(line, j)
  say 'Processed line:' field1 sum

Step 4: Interfacing with a Database

Interface with a database to fetch additional data. This example assumes you have a database connection set up:

/* Connect to the database */
address 'DATABASE'
'CONNECT TO mydb USER myuser USING mypassword'

/* Fetch additional data */
query = 'SELECT additional_data FROM mytable WHERE condition'
address 'DATABASE' query
do while queued() > 0
  additionalData = queued()
  say 'Fetched data:' additionalData

/* Disconnect from the database */

Step 5: Writing Data to a New CSV File

Write the processed data to a new CSV file:

/* Write data to a new CSV file */
outputFile = 'output.csv'
call stream outputFile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE'
if stream(outputFile, 'S') <> 'READY:' then

do i = 1 to lines
  line = word(data, i)
  call lineout outputFile, line
call stream outputFile, 'C', 'CLOSE'
say 'Data written to file.'

Step 6: Error Handling

Implement robust error handling to manage potential issues:

/* Error handling */
signal on error
  say 'An error occurred:' condition('M')

Step 7: Performance Optimization

Optimize your code to ensure it runs efficiently. Consider using built-in functions and minimizing the number of loops.

Practical Exercise


Create a REXX application that:

  1. Reads data from input.csv.
  2. Processes the data by converting the first field to uppercase and calculating the sum of the numeric fields.
  3. Fetches additional data from a database.
  4. Writes the processed data to output.csv.
  5. Includes error handling and performance optimization.


/* Final Project: Comprehensive REXX Application */

/* Error handling */
signal on error
  say 'An error occurred:' condition('M')

/* Step 1: Read data from a CSV file */
inputFile = 'input.csv'
call stream inputFile, 'C', 'OPEN READ'
if stream(inputFile, 'S') <> 'READY:' then

data = ''
do while lines(inputFile) > 0
  line = linein(inputFile)
  data = data || line || ' '
call stream inputFile, 'C', 'CLOSE'

/* Step 2: Process the data */
lines = words(data)
processedData = ''
do i = 1 to lines
  line = word(data, i)
  fields = words(line)
  field1 = word(line, 1)
  field1 = translate(field1)
  sum = 0
  do j = 2 to fields
    sum = sum + word(line, j)
  processedData = processedData || field1 || ',' || sum || ' '

/* Step 3: Interfacing with a Database */
address 'DATABASE'
'CONNECT TO mydb USER myuser USING mypassword'
query = 'SELECT additional_data FROM mytable WHERE condition'
address 'DATABASE' query
do while queued() > 0
  additionalData = queued()
  say 'Fetched data:' additionalData

/* Step 4: Write data to a new CSV file */
outputFile = 'output.csv'
call stream outputFile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE'
if stream(outputFile, 'S') <> 'READY:' then

do i = 1 to words(processedData)
  line = word(processedData, i)
  call lineout outputFile, line
call stream outputFile, 'C', 'CLOSE'
say 'Data written to file.'


Congratulations on completing the final project! You have successfully created a comprehensive REXX application that integrates data input, processing, external interaction, and output. This project has reinforced your understanding of REXX and demonstrated your ability to apply it to solve complex problems. Keep practicing and exploring more advanced REXX features to further enhance your skills.

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