In this section, we will explore how to use REXX to automate repetitive tasks. Automating tasks can save time, reduce errors, and increase productivity. We will cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Task Automation
  2. Common Automation Scenarios
  3. Writing Automation Scripts
  4. Practical Examples
  5. Exercises

  1. Introduction to Task Automation

Task automation involves using scripts to perform repetitive tasks without human intervention. REXX is particularly well-suited for automation due to its simplicity and powerful string manipulation capabilities.

Key Concepts:

  • Scripting: Writing code to automate tasks.
  • Batch Processing: Executing a series of commands automatically.
  • Scheduling: Running scripts at specified times or intervals.

  1. Common Automation Scenarios

Here are some common scenarios where REXX can be used for automation:

  • File Management: Copying, moving, renaming, and deleting files.
  • Data Processing: Parsing and transforming data files.
  • System Monitoring: Checking system status and generating reports.
  • Task Scheduling: Running tasks at specific times using cron jobs or task schedulers.

  1. Writing Automation Scripts

When writing automation scripts in REXX, follow these steps:

  1. Define the Task: Clearly understand what needs to be automated.
  2. Plan the Script: Outline the steps required to complete the task.
  3. Write the Code: Implement the steps in REXX.
  4. Test the Script: Ensure the script works as expected.
  5. Schedule the Script: Use a scheduler to run the script at desired times.

Example Script Structure:

/* REXX Script to Automate a Task */
say "Starting the automation task..."

-- Step 1: Define the task
task = "Example Task"

-- Step 2: Plan the script
/* Outline the steps here */

-- Step 3: Write the code
/* Implement the steps here */

-- Step 4: Test the script
/* Ensure the script works as expected */

-- Step 5: Schedule the script
/* Use a scheduler to run the script */

say "Task completed successfully."

  1. Practical Examples

Example 1: File Management

This script copies files from one directory to another.

/* REXX Script to Copy Files */
sourceDir = "C:\source"
targetDir = "C:\target"

say "Copying files from" sourceDir "to" targetDir

-- List files in the source directory
call SysFileTree sourceDir || '\*', 'fileList.', 'FO'

-- Copy each file to the target directory
do i = 1 to fileList.0
    sourceFile = fileList.i
    targetFile = targetDir || '\' || strip(sourceFile, 'T', sourceDir || '\')
    call SysCopyObject sourceFile, targetFile
    say "Copied" sourceFile "to" targetFile

say "File copy operation completed."

Example 2: Data Processing

This script reads a CSV file, processes the data, and writes the output to a new file.

/* REXX Script to Process CSV Data */
inputFile = "data.csv"
outputFile = "processed_data.csv"

say "Processing data from" inputFile

-- Open the input and output files
call linein inputFile
call lineout outputFile, "Processed Data"

-- Read and process each line
do while lines(inputFile) > 0
    line = linein(inputFile)
    -- Process the line (e.g., convert to uppercase)
    processedLine = translate(line)
    call lineout outputFile, processedLine

-- Close the files
call linein inputFile, 'CLOSE'
call lineout outputFile, 'CLOSE'

say "Data processing completed."

  1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Automate File Renaming

Write a REXX script to rename all .txt files in a directory by appending the current date to the filename.


/* REXX Script to Rename Files */
directory = "C:\files"
date = date('S')

say "Renaming .txt files in" directory

-- List .txt files in the directory
call SysFileTree directory || '\*.txt', 'fileList.', 'FO'

-- Rename each file
do i = 1 to fileList.0
    oldFile = fileList.i
    newFile = strip(oldFile, 'T', '.txt') || '_' || date || '.txt'
    call SysRenameObject oldFile, newFile
    say "Renamed" oldFile "to" newFile

say "File renaming operation completed."

Exercise 2: Automate System Monitoring

Write a REXX script to check the available disk space and log the information to a file.


/* REXX Script to Monitor Disk Space */
logFile = "disk_space.log"

say "Checking disk space..."

-- Get disk space information
call SysDriveInfo 'C:', 'total', 'free'

-- Log the information
call lineout logFile, "Disk Space Check: " || date('S') || " " || time('L')
call lineout logFile, "Total Space: " || total || " bytes"
call lineout logFile, "Free Space: " || free || " bytes"
call lineout logFile, "-----------------------------"

say "Disk space information logged to" logFile


In this section, we learned how to automate tasks using REXX. We covered common automation scenarios, the steps to write automation scripts, and provided practical examples. By practicing the exercises, you should now be able to create your own automation scripts to streamline repetitive tasks. In the next section, we will explore creating REXX utilities to further enhance your automation capabilities.

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