Append-Only Files (AOF) is one of the persistence mechanisms provided by Redis to ensure data durability. Unlike snapshots (RDB), which save the entire dataset at specific intervals, AOF logs every write operation received by the server. This allows Redis to reconstruct the dataset by replaying the logged operations.

Key Concepts

  1. AOF File: A log file where each write operation is appended.
  2. Rewrite Process: A mechanism to compact the AOF file to prevent it from growing indefinitely.
  3. AOF Configuration: Settings that control how AOF behaves, including synchronization policies and rewrite thresholds.

How AOF Works

  1. Logging Operations: Every write operation (e.g., SET, LPUSH) is logged to the AOF file.
  2. Synchronization: The AOF file is synchronized to disk based on the configured policy.
  3. Reconstruction: On server restart, Redis reads the AOF file and replays the operations to reconstruct the dataset.

AOF Configuration

Enabling AOF

To enable AOF, you need to set the appendonly directive to yes in the Redis configuration file (redis.conf):

appendonly yes

Synchronization Policies

Redis provides three synchronization policies for AOF:

  1. Always (appendfsync always): Every write operation is immediately flushed to disk. This is the safest but slowest option.
  2. Every Second (appendfsync everysec): Write operations are flushed to disk every second. This is a good balance between performance and durability.
  3. No (appendfsync no): Write operations are not explicitly flushed to disk. The operating system handles the synchronization. This is the fastest but least safe option.

Example configuration:

appendfsync everysec

AOF Rewrite

To prevent the AOF file from growing indefinitely, Redis performs an AOF rewrite. This process creates a new, compacted AOF file that contains the minimal set of commands needed to reconstruct the dataset.

Configuration Options

  • Auto-Triggering Rewrite: Redis can automatically trigger an AOF rewrite based on the growth of the AOF file. This is controlled by the auto-aof-rewrite-percentage and auto-aof-rewrite-min-size directives.
auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100
auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb
  • Manual Rewrite: You can manually trigger an AOF rewrite using the BGREWRITEAOF command.

Practical Example

Enabling AOF and Configuring Synchronization

  1. Open the redis.conf file.
  2. Set appendonly to yes.
  3. Set appendfsync to everysec.
appendonly yes
appendfsync everysec
  1. Restart the Redis server to apply the changes.

Verifying AOF Functionality

  1. Start the Redis server with AOF enabled.
  2. Perform some write operations:
SET key1 "value1"
LPUSH list1 "element1"
SADD set1 "member1"
  1. Check the AOF file (appendonly.aof) to see the logged operations.

Triggering AOF Rewrite

  1. Manually trigger an AOF rewrite:
  1. Check the Redis logs to verify that the rewrite process has completed.

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Not Enabling AOF: Ensure that appendonly is set to yes in the configuration file.
  • Improper Synchronization Policy: Choose the synchronization policy that best fits your use case. everysec is generally a good balance.
  • Ignoring AOF Rewrite: Regularly monitor the size of the AOF file and configure auto-rewrite settings to prevent excessive growth.


Append-Only Files (AOF) provide a robust mechanism for ensuring data durability in Redis. By logging every write operation, AOF allows Redis to reconstruct the dataset accurately. Proper configuration of synchronization policies and AOF rewrite settings is crucial for maintaining performance and preventing excessive file growth. Understanding and utilizing AOF effectively can significantly enhance the reliability of your Redis deployment.

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