Full-text search (FTS) in PostgreSQL is a powerful feature that allows you to search for text within a database in a more flexible and efficient manner than using simple LIKE queries. This module will cover the basics of full-text search, including how to set it up, use it, and optimize it for your needs.

Key Concepts

  1. Text Search Types: Understanding the different types of text search in PostgreSQL.
  2. Text Search Configuration: Setting up the necessary configurations for full-text search.
  3. Creating and Using Text Search Dictionaries: Customizing how text is processed and searched.
  4. Indexing for Full-Text Search: Using indexes to improve search performance.
  5. Practical Examples: Implementing full-text search in real-world scenarios.

Text Search Types

PostgreSQL supports two main types of text search:

  • Plain Text Search: Searches for exact matches of the input text.
  • Full-Text Search: Searches for words and phrases within the text, allowing for more flexible and powerful queries.

Text Search Configuration

Before you can use full-text search, you need to configure PostgreSQL to handle text search operations. This involves setting up text search configurations, which define how text is processed and searched.

Example: Setting Up a Text Search Configuration

-- Create a text search configuration
CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION my_config (COPY = pg_catalog.english);

-- Add a mapping for the configuration
    ADD MAPPING FOR asciiword WITH simple;


  • CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION: Creates a new text search configuration based on an existing one (pg_catalog.english).
  • ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION: Adds a mapping to the configuration, specifying how certain types of text (e.g., asciiword) should be processed (simple).

Creating and Using Text Search Dictionaries

Text search dictionaries define how text is normalized and indexed. You can create custom dictionaries to handle specific types of text.

Example: Creating a Custom Dictionary

-- Create a simple dictionary
    TEMPLATE = simple

-- Use the dictionary in a text search configuration
    ADD MAPPING FOR asciiword WITH simple_dict;


  • CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY: Creates a new text search dictionary using the simple template.
  • ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION: Adds the custom dictionary to the text search configuration.

Indexing for Full-Text Search

To improve the performance of full-text search queries, you should create indexes on the text columns you want to search.

Example: Creating a Full-Text Search Index

-- Create a table with a text column
CREATE TABLE documents (
    content TEXT

-- Create a full-text search index on the content column
CREATE INDEX content_idx ON documents USING gin(to_tsvector('english', content));


  • CREATE TABLE: Creates a table with a content column to store text.
  • CREATE INDEX: Creates a GIN (Generalized Inverted Index) on the content column, using the to_tsvector function to convert the text to a searchable format.

Practical Examples

Example: Performing a Full-Text Search

-- Insert some sample data
INSERT INTO documents (content) VALUES
('PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system.'),
('Full-text search in PostgreSQL is very efficient and flexible.'),
('Learn how to use full-text search in PostgreSQL.');

-- Perform a full-text search
SELECT * FROM documents
WHERE to_tsvector('english', content) @@ to_tsquery('PostgreSQL & full-text');


  • INSERT INTO: Adds sample data to the documents table.
  • SELECT: Performs a full-text search on the content column, looking for documents that contain both "PostgreSQL" and "full-text".


Exercise 1: Setting Up Full-Text Search

  1. Create a new table called articles with columns id (serial primary key) and body (text).
  2. Insert three sample articles into the articles table.
  3. Create a full-text search index on the body column.


-- Step 1: Create the articles table
CREATE TABLE articles (
    body TEXT

-- Step 2: Insert sample articles
INSERT INTO articles (body) VALUES
('PostgreSQL provides robust full-text search capabilities.'),
('You can search for text within your database efficiently.'),
('Full-text search is a powerful feature of PostgreSQL.');

-- Step 3: Create a full-text search index
CREATE INDEX body_idx ON articles USING gin(to_tsvector('english', body));

Exercise 2: Performing a Full-Text Search

  1. Perform a full-text search on the articles table to find articles that contain the words "search" and "PostgreSQL".


-- Perform a full-text search
SELECT * FROM articles
WHERE to_tsvector('english', body) @@ to_tsquery('search & PostgreSQL');

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Common Mistake: Forgetting to create an index for full-text search, leading to slow query performance.
    • Tip: Always create a GIN or GIST index on the text columns you want to search.
  • Common Mistake: Using the wrong text search configuration for your language or text type.
    • Tip: Choose the appropriate text search configuration based on your data and language requirements.


In this module, you learned about the basics of full-text search in PostgreSQL, including how to set it up, use it, and optimize it. Full-text search is a powerful feature that can greatly enhance the search capabilities of your PostgreSQL database. By understanding and implementing the concepts covered in this module, you can efficiently search and retrieve text data in your applications.

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