In this section, we will cover essential security practices to ensure your MongoDB deployment is secure. Security is a critical aspect of any database system, and MongoDB provides several features to help you protect your data.

Key Concepts

  1. Authentication: Verifying the identity of users and applications.
  2. Authorization: Controlling access to resources based on user roles.
  3. Encryption: Protecting data at rest and in transit.
  4. Network Security: Securing the network environment where MongoDB is deployed.
  5. Auditing: Tracking and logging database activities.


Enabling Authentication

By default, MongoDB does not require authentication, which means anyone can access the database. To enable authentication:

  1. Create an Admin User:

    use admin
      user: "admin",
      pwd: "securepassword",
      roles: [{ role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }]
  2. Enable Authentication in Configuration File: Edit the mongod.conf file to include:

      authorization: "enabled"
  3. Restart MongoDB:

    sudo systemctl restart mongod

Practical Example

// Connect to the admin database
use admin

// Create a new user with readWrite access to a specific database
  user: "appUser",
  pwd: "appUserPassword",
  roles: [{ role: "readWrite", db: "myDatabase" }]


Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

MongoDB uses RBAC to manage user permissions. Common roles include:

  • read: Allows read-only access to a database.
  • readWrite: Allows read and write access to a database.
  • dbAdmin: Provides administrative rights to a database.
  • userAdmin: Allows management of user accounts.

Practical Example

// Assign the readWrite role to a user for a specific database
db.grantRolesToUser("appUser", [{ role: "readWrite", db: "myDatabase" }])


Data at Rest

MongoDB supports encryption at rest using the WiredTiger storage engine. To enable it:

  1. Edit the Configuration File:

      enableEncryption: true
      encryptionKeyFile: /path/to/keyfile
  2. Generate an Encryption Key:

    openssl rand -base64 32 > /path/to/keyfile
    chmod 600 /path/to/keyfile
  3. Restart MongoDB:

    sudo systemctl restart mongod

Data in Transit

To encrypt data in transit, use TLS/SSL:

  1. Generate Certificates:

    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out mongodb-cert.crt -keyout mongodb-cert.key
  2. Edit the Configuration File:

        mode: requireSSL
        PEMKeyFile: /path/to/mongodb-cert.pem
  3. Restart MongoDB:

    sudo systemctl restart mongod

Network Security

IP Whitelisting

Restrict access to MongoDB by allowing only specific IP addresses:

  1. Edit the Configuration File:

  2. Restart MongoDB:

    sudo systemctl restart mongod


Use firewalls to block unauthorized access:

  1. Configure UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall):
    sudo ufw allow from to any port 27017
    sudo ufw enable


Enabling Auditing

MongoDB Enterprise supports auditing to track database activities:

  1. Edit the Configuration File:

      destination: file
      format: JSON
      path: /var/log/mongodb/audit.log
  2. Restart MongoDB:

    sudo systemctl restart mongod

Practical Example

// Example of an audit log entry
  "atype": "authCheck",
  "ts": ISODate("2023-10-01T12:00:00Z"),
  "local": { "ip": "", "port": 27017 },
  "remote": { "ip": "", "port": 50000 },
  "users": [{ "user": "admin", "db": "admin" }],
  "roles": [{ "role": "readWrite", "db": "myDatabase" }],
  "param": { "command": "find", "ns": "myDatabase.myCollection" },
  "result": 0

Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Enable Authentication

  1. Create an admin user with the username admin and password admin123.
  2. Enable authentication in the MongoDB configuration file.
  3. Restart MongoDB and verify that authentication is required.


use admin
  user: "admin",
  pwd: "admin123",
  roles: [{ role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }]

# Edit mongod.conf
# security:
#   authorization: "enabled"

sudo systemctl restart mongod

Exercise 2: Create a User with Specific Roles

  1. Create a user reportUser with read-only access to the reports database.
  2. Verify the user's permissions by attempting to write to the reports database.


use reports
  user: "reportUser",
  pwd: "reportPassword",
  roles: [{ role: "read", db: "reports" }]

// Verify permissions
db.auth("reportUser", "reportPassword")
db.reports.insert({ name: "Test Report" }) // This should fail


In this section, we covered essential security practices for MongoDB, including authentication, authorization, encryption, network security, and auditing. By implementing these practices, you can significantly enhance the security of your MongoDB deployment. In the next section, we will explore performance tuning to optimize your MongoDB instance.

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