Data preprocessing is a crucial step in data analysis and machine learning. It involves transforming raw data into a clean and usable format. This module will cover various techniques and functions in MATLAB to preprocess data effectively.

Key Concepts

  1. Data Cleaning: Handling missing values, outliers, and noise.
  2. Data Transformation: Normalization, standardization, and scaling.
  3. Data Integration: Combining data from different sources.
  4. Data Reduction: Reducing the volume but producing the same or similar analytical results.

Data Cleaning

Handling Missing Values

Missing values can significantly affect the performance of your analysis. MATLAB provides several functions to handle missing data.

Example: Removing Missing Values

% Sample data with missing values
data = [1, 2, NaN, 4, 5, NaN, 7];

% Remove missing values
cleanData = data(~isnan(data));

disp('Clean Data:');


  • isnan(data) returns a logical array where NaN values are marked as true.
  • ~isnan(data) inverts the logical array, marking non-NaN values as true.
  • data(~isnan(data)) selects only the non-NaN values.

Example: Filling Missing Values

% Sample data with missing values
data = [1, 2, NaN, 4, 5, NaN, 7];

% Fill missing values with the mean of the data
meanValue = mean(data, 'omitnan');
filledData = fillmissing(data, 'constant', meanValue);

disp('Filled Data:');


  • mean(data, 'omitnan') calculates the mean, ignoring NaN values.
  • fillmissing(data, 'constant', meanValue) fills NaN values with the specified constant (mean value in this case).

Handling Outliers

Outliers can skew your analysis results. MATLAB provides functions to detect and handle outliers.

Example: Removing Outliers

% Sample data with outliers
data = [1, 2, 3, 100, 5, 6, 7];

% Remove outliers using the isoutlier function
cleanData = data(~isoutlier(data));

disp('Data without Outliers:');


  • isoutlier(data) returns a logical array where outliers are marked as true.
  • data(~isoutlier(data)) selects only the non-outlier values.

Data Transformation


Normalization scales the data to a range of [0, 1].

Example: Normalizing Data

% Sample data
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

% Normalize data
normalizedData = (data - min(data)) / (max(data) - min(data));

disp('Normalized Data:');


  • (data - min(data)) shifts the data so that the minimum value is 0.
  • (max(data) - min(data)) scales the data to the range [0, 1].


Standardization scales the data to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Example: Standardizing Data

% Sample data
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

% Standardize data
standardizedData = (data - mean(data)) / std(data);

disp('Standardized Data:');


  • (data - mean(data)) shifts the data so that the mean is 0.
  • / std(data) scales the data to have a standard deviation of 1.

Data Integration

Combining data from different sources can be done using various functions in MATLAB.

Example: Merging Tables

% Sample tables
T1 = table([1; 2; 3], [4; 5; 6], 'VariableNames', {'A', 'B'});
T2 = table([1; 2; 3], [7; 8; 9], 'VariableNames', {'A', 'C'});

% Merge tables on the common variable 'A'
mergedTable = join(T1, T2, 'Keys', 'A');

disp('Merged Table:');


  • join(T1, T2, 'Keys', 'A') merges the tables T1 and T2 based on the common variable A.

Data Reduction

Reducing the volume of data can be achieved through various techniques such as feature selection and dimensionality reduction.

Example: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

% Sample data
data = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9];

% Perform PCA
[coeff, score, latent] = pca(data);

disp('Principal Components:');


  • pca(data) performs Principal Component Analysis on the data.
  • coeff contains the principal components.
  • score contains the transformed data.
  • latent contains the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix.

Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Handling Missing Values

Task: Given the data [10, 20, NaN, 40, 50, NaN, 70], remove the missing values and fill them with the median of the data.


% Sample data with missing values
data = [10, 20, NaN, 40, 50, NaN, 70];

% Remove missing values
cleanData = data(~isnan(data));

% Fill missing values with the median of the data
medianValue = median(data, 'omitnan');
filledData = fillmissing(data, 'constant', medianValue);

disp('Clean Data:');
disp('Filled Data:');

Exercise 2: Normalizing Data

Task: Normalize the data [5, 10, 15, 20, 25] to the range [0, 1].


% Sample data
data = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25];

% Normalize data
normalizedData = (data - min(data)) / (max(data) - min(data));

disp('Normalized Data:');

Exercise 3: Merging Tables

Task: Merge the tables T1 and T2 on the common variable ID.

% Sample tables
T1 = table([1; 2; 3], [10; 20; 30], 'VariableNames', {'ID', 'Value1'});
T2 = table([1; 2; 3], [100; 200; 300], 'VariableNames', {'ID', 'Value2'});

% Merge tables on the common variable 'ID'
mergedTable = join(T1, T2, 'Keys', 'ID');

disp('Merged Table:');


In this section, we covered the essential techniques for data preprocessing in MATLAB, including data cleaning, transformation, integration, and reduction. These techniques are fundamental for preparing data for analysis and machine learning tasks. By mastering these preprocessing steps, you can ensure that your data is clean, consistent, and ready for further analysis.

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