In this section, we will explore two powerful features in Kotlin: object declarations and companion objects. These features allow you to create singletons and provide a way to define static members in a class, respectively.

Object Declarations

Object declarations in Kotlin are used to create singletons. A singleton is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one "single" instance. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system.

Key Concepts

  • Singleton Pattern: Ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.
  • Object Declaration: A way to define a singleton in Kotlin.


object MySingleton {
    val name = "Singleton"
    fun showName() {


  • object MySingleton: Declares a singleton object named MySingleton.
  • val name: A property of the singleton.
  • fun showName(): A method of the singleton.

Practical Example

object DatabaseConnection {
    val url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb"
    val username = "root"
    val password = "password"

    fun connect() {
        println("Connecting to the database at $url with user $username")

fun main() {


  • DatabaseConnection: A singleton object representing a database connection.
  • connect(): A method to simulate connecting to the database.


Create a singleton object named Logger with a method log(message: String) that prints the message to the console.

object Logger {
    fun log(message: String) {
        println("Log: $message")

fun main() {
    Logger.log("This is a log message.")

Companion Objects

Companion objects are used to define static members in a class. They are similar to static methods and fields in Java.

Key Concepts

  • Companion Object: An object that is tied to a class and can access its private members.
  • Static Members: Members that belong to the class rather than to instances of the class.


class MyClass {
    companion object {
        val staticProperty = "I am static"
        fun staticMethod() {


  • companion object: Declares a companion object within the class MyClass.
  • val staticProperty: A static property.
  • fun staticMethod(): A static method.

Practical Example

class MathUtil {
    companion object {
        fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
            return a + b

fun main() {
    val result = MathUtil.add(5, 3)
    println("Result: $result")


  • MathUtil: A class with a companion object.
  • add(a: Int, b: Int): A static method to add two integers.


Create a class Configuration with a companion object that has a method loadConfig() which prints "Configuration loaded".

class Configuration {
    companion object {
        fun loadConfig() {
            println("Configuration loaded")

fun main() {

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Accessing Companion Object Members: Remember that companion object members can be accessed using the class name.
  • Singleton Initialization: Ensure that the singleton object is initialized before accessing its members.


In this section, we covered object declarations and companion objects in Kotlin. Object declarations allow you to create singletons, while companion objects provide a way to define static members in a class. We explored their syntax, practical examples, and exercises to reinforce the concepts. Understanding these features will help you write more efficient and organized Kotlin code.

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