
Conversion reports in Google Analytics are essential for understanding how well your website or app is achieving its business objectives. These reports provide insights into the actions users take that are valuable to your business, such as completing a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form.

Key Concepts

Before diving into conversion reports, it's important to understand some key concepts:

  • Goals: Specific actions you want users to take on your site.
  • Ecommerce Tracking: Detailed tracking of transactions and revenue.
  • Funnels: The steps users take to complete a goal.

Types of Conversion Reports

Google Analytics offers several types of conversion reports:

  1. Goals Overview
  2. Goal URLs
  3. Reverse Goal Path
  4. Funnel Visualization
  5. Goal Flow
  6. Ecommerce Overview
  7. Product Performance
  8. Sales Performance
  9. Transactions
  10. Time to Purchase

Goals Overview

The Goals Overview report provides a summary of how well your goals are performing. It includes metrics such as:

  • Goal Completions: The total number of times goals were completed.
  • Goal Value: The monetary value associated with goal completions.
  • Goal Conversion Rate: The percentage of sessions that resulted in goal completions.

Goal URLs

The Goal URLs report shows the URLs where goal completions occurred. This helps you understand which pages are driving conversions.

Reverse Goal Path

The Reverse Goal Path report shows the sequence of pages users visited before completing a goal. This helps identify common paths to conversion.

Funnel Visualization

The Funnel Visualization report provides a visual representation of the steps users take to complete a goal. It shows where users enter and exit the funnel, helping you identify potential drop-off points.

Goal Flow

The Goal Flow report is similar to Funnel Visualization but offers a more flexible and interactive way to analyze the paths users take to complete goals.

Ecommerce Overview

The Ecommerce Overview report provides a summary of your ecommerce performance, including metrics such as:

  • Revenue: Total revenue generated from transactions.
  • Transactions: Total number of transactions.
  • Average Order Value: Average revenue per transaction.
  • Ecommerce Conversion Rate: Percentage of sessions that resulted in a transaction.

Product Performance

The Product Performance report provides detailed information about the performance of individual products, including:

  • Product Revenue: Total revenue generated by each product.
  • Quantity: Number of units sold.
  • Average Price: Average price of the product.
  • Product Refund Amount: Total amount refunded for the product.

Sales Performance

The Sales Performance report focuses on revenue and transaction metrics, providing insights into overall sales performance.


The Transactions report provides detailed information about individual transactions, including transaction ID, revenue, tax, shipping, and quantity.

Time to Purchase

The Time to Purchase report shows the number of days and sessions it takes for users to complete a purchase. This helps you understand the buying cycle of your customers.

Practical Example

Let's set up a simple goal and view the conversion reports.

Step 1: Setting Up a Goal

  1. Go to the Admin panel in Google Analytics.
  2. Under the View column, click on Goals.
  3. Click on + New Goal.
  4. Choose a template or create a custom goal.
  5. Define the goal details, such as the goal name, type (e.g., Destination, Duration, Pages/Screens per session, Event), and goal value.
  6. Save the goal.

Step 2: Viewing Conversion Reports

  1. Navigate to the Conversions section in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on Goals to view the Goals Overview, Goal URLs, Reverse Goal Path, Funnel Visualization, and Goal Flow reports.
  3. Click on Ecommerce to view the Ecommerce Overview, Product Performance, Sales Performance, Transactions, and Time to Purchase reports.

Example Code Snippet for Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking

// Example of adding ecommerce tracking code to your website
ga('require', 'ec');

// Measure a product impression
ga('ec:addImpression', {
  'id': 'P12345', // Product ID
  'name': 'Android Warhol T-Shirt', // Product name
  'category': 'Apparel/T-Shirts', // Product category
  'brand': 'Google', // Product brand
  'variant': 'black', // Product variant
  'list': 'Search Results', // Product list
  'position': 1 // Product position

// Measure a product click
ga('ec:addProduct', {
  'id': 'P12345',
  'name': 'Android Warhol T-Shirt',
  'category': 'Apparel/T-Shirts',
  'brand': 'Google',
  'variant': 'black',
  'position': 1
ga('ec:setAction', 'click', {list: 'Search Results'});

ga('send', 'event', 'UX', 'click', 'Results');

Practical Exercise

Exercise: Set Up a Goal and Analyze Conversion Reports

  1. Set up a goal in your Google Analytics account for a specific action (e.g., form submission).
  2. Navigate to the Goals Overview report and note the key metrics.
  3. View the Funnel Visualization report and identify any drop-off points.
  4. Analyze the Goal Flow report to understand the paths users take to complete the goal.


  1. Follow the steps outlined in the "Setting Up a Goal" section.
  2. In the Goals Overview report, look for metrics such as Goal Completions, Goal Value, and Goal Conversion Rate.
  3. In the Funnel Visualization report, identify steps with high exit rates and consider optimizing those pages.
  4. In the Goal Flow report, look for common paths and any unexpected behavior that might indicate issues.


Conversion reports in Google Analytics are powerful tools for understanding how well your website or app is achieving its business objectives. By setting up goals and analyzing conversion reports, you can gain valuable insights into user behavior and identify opportunities for optimization. In the next module, we will explore advanced tracking and customization techniques to further enhance your analytics capabilities.

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