In this section, we will explore how to read and write data to Firebase Realtime Database. This is a crucial part of working with Firebase, as it allows you to store and retrieve data in real-time, making your applications dynamic and responsive.

Key Concepts

  1. Firebase Realtime Database: A cloud-hosted NoSQL database that allows you to store and sync data between your users in real-time.
  2. Database Reference: A reference to a specific location in your database where you can read or write data.
  3. Data Snapshot: A representation of the data at a specific location in the database at a particular time.
  4. Listeners: Functions that listen for changes to the data at a particular location in the database.

Setting Up

Before you can read and write data, you need to set up Firebase in your project. If you haven't done this yet, refer to the "Setting Up Firebase" section in Module 1.

Writing Data

To write data to the Firebase Realtime Database, you need to create a reference to the location where you want to store the data and then use the set(), update(), or push() methods.

Example: Writing Data

// Initialize Firebase
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
  authDomain: "YOUR_AUTH_DOMAIN",
  projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID",
  storageBucket: "YOUR_STORAGE_BUCKET",
  messagingSenderId: "YOUR_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID",
  appId: "YOUR_APP_ID"

// Get a reference to the database service
const database = firebase.database();

// Write data to the database
function writeUserData(userId, name, email, imageUrl) {
  firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId).set({
    username: name,
    email: email,
    profile_picture: imageUrl

// Example usage
writeUserData('1', 'John Doe', '[email protected]', '');


  • firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig): Initializes Firebase with your project's configuration.
  • firebase.database(): Gets a reference to the database service.
  • firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId).set({...}): Creates a reference to the users node and sets the data for the specified userId.

Reading Data

To read data from the Firebase Realtime Database, you need to create a reference to the location of the data and then use the once() or on() methods to retrieve the data.

Example: Reading Data

// Get a reference to the database service
const database = firebase.database();

// Read data from the database
function readUserData(userId) {
  const userRef = firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId);
  userRef.once('value', (snapshot) => {
    const data = snapshot.val();

// Example usage


  • firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId): Creates a reference to the users node for the specified userId.
  • userRef.once('value', (snapshot) => {...}): Reads the data at the reference location once and retrieves a snapshot of the data.

Practical Exercise


  1. Write a function to add a new user to the database.
  2. Write a function to read the data of a specific user from the database.


// Function to add a new user
function addUser(userId, name, email, imageUrl) {
  firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId).set({
    username: name,
    email: email,
    profile_picture: imageUrl

// Function to read user data
function getUserData(userId) {
  const userRef = firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId);
  userRef.once('value', (snapshot) => {
    const data = snapshot.val();

// Example usage
addUser('2', 'Jane Doe', '[email protected]', '');

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Incorrect Database Reference: Ensure that the reference path is correct. A common mistake is to misspell the path or use the wrong node.
  • Handling Null Data: When reading data, always check if the snapshot exists to avoid null reference errors.
    userRef.once('value', (snapshot) => {
      if (snapshot.exists()) {
        const data = snapshot.val();
      } else {
        console.log('No data available');


In this section, you learned how to read and write data to the Firebase Realtime Database. You now know how to create references, write data using the set() method, and read data using the once() method. These skills are fundamental for building dynamic applications with Firebase. In the next section, we will explore data structure and security rules to ensure your data is organized and secure.

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