
In this module, we will explore how to use Delphi for web development. Delphi, traditionally known for desktop application development, also offers robust tools and frameworks for building web applications. We will cover the following key areas:

  1. Overview of Web Development with Delphi
  2. Setting Up a Web Server
  3. Creating a Simple Web Application
  4. Handling HTTP Requests and Responses
  5. Using WebBroker and WebSnap
  6. Deploying Web Applications

  1. Overview of Web Development with Delphi

Delphi provides several frameworks and tools for web development, including:

  • WebBroker: A framework for building web server applications.
  • WebSnap: An extension of WebBroker with additional features for web development.
  • IntraWeb: A framework for building web applications in a RAD (Rapid Application Development) manner.

Key Concepts

  • Web Server: A server that handles HTTP requests and serves web pages to clients.
  • HTTP Request/Response: The communication protocol used by web servers and clients.
  • CGI (Common Gateway Interface): A standard for interfacing external applications with web servers.

  1. Setting Up a Web Server

Before we start developing web applications, we need to set up a web server. Delphi supports several web servers, including:

  • Apache
  • IIS (Internet Information Services)
  • Indy HTTP Server (built-in Delphi component)

Example: Setting Up Indy HTTP Server

  1. Create a New Project:

    • Open Delphi and create a new VCL Forms Application.
  2. Add Indy HTTP Server Component:

    • Go to the Tool Palette, find the TIdHTTPServer component, and drop it onto the form.
  3. Configure the Server:

    • Set the DefaultPort property to 8080 (or any available port).
  4. Start the Server:

    procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      IdHTTPServer1.Active := True;
  5. Handle HTTP Requests:

    procedure TForm1.IdHTTPServer1CommandGet(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);
      AResponseInfo.ContentText := 'Hello, World!';
  6. Run the Application:

    • Compile and run the application. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to see the response.

  1. Creating a Simple Web Application

Example: Hello World Web Application

  1. Create a New WebBroker Application:

    • Go to File -> New -> Other -> WebBroker -> Web Server Application.
  2. Choose Standalone Application:

    • Select Standalone Application and click Next.
  3. Configure the Application:

    • Set the port to 8080 and click Finish.
  4. Modify the WebModule:

    • Open WebModuleUnit1.pas and add a new action to handle requests.
  5. Handle Requests:

    procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
      Response.Content := '<html><body><h1>Hello, World!</h1></body></html>';
      Handled := True;
  6. Run the Application:

    • Compile and run the application. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to see the "Hello, World!" message.

  1. Handling HTTP Requests and Responses

Key Components

  • TWebRequest: Represents an HTTP request.
  • TWebResponse: Represents an HTTP response.

Example: Handling Form Data

  1. Create a Form:

      <form method="post" action="/submit">
        Name: <input type="text" name="name">
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">
  2. Handle Form Submission:

    procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1SubmitAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
      Name: string;
      Name := Request.ContentFields.Values['name'];
      Response.Content := Format('<html><body><h1>Hello, %s!</h1></body></html>', [Name]);
      Handled := True;

  1. Using WebBroker and WebSnap


  • WebBroker is a framework for building web server applications. It provides components for handling HTTP requests and responses.


  • WebSnap extends WebBroker with additional features like session management, page producers, and adapters.

Example: Using WebSnap

  1. Create a New WebSnap Application:

    • Go to File -> New -> Other -> WebSnap -> WebSnap Application.
  2. Configure the Application:

    • Follow the wizard to set up the application.
  3. Add a Page Producer:

    • Add a TPageProducer component to the WebModule.
  4. Generate HTML Content:

    procedure TWebModule1.PageProducer1HTMLTag(Sender: TObject; Tag: TTag; const TagString: string; TagParams: TStrings; var ReplaceText: string);
      if TagString = 'name' then
        ReplaceText := 'Delphi Developer';
  5. Run the Application:

    • Compile and run the application. Open a web browser and navigate to the configured URL to see the generated HTML content.

  1. Deploying Web Applications

Deployment Options

  • Standalone Application: Deploy as a standalone executable.
  • ISAPI/NSAPI DLL: Deploy as a DLL for IIS or Netscape servers.
  • CGI Application: Deploy as a CGI executable.

Example: Deploying a Standalone Application

  1. Compile the Application:

    • Compile the web application in Delphi.
  2. Copy the Executable:

    • Copy the compiled executable to the target server.
  3. Configure the Server:

    • Ensure the server allows the application to listen on the configured port.
  4. Run the Application:

    • Run the executable on the server.
  5. Access the Application:

    • Open a web browser and navigate to the server's IP address and port to access the web application.


In this module, we covered the basics of web development with Delphi, including setting up a web server, creating a simple web application, handling HTTP requests and responses, using WebBroker and WebSnap, and deploying web applications. With these tools and techniques, you can build robust web applications using Delphi. In the next module, we will explore RESTful services and how to integrate them into your Delphi applications.

Delphi/Object Pascal Programming Course

Module 1: Introduction to Delphi/Object Pascal

Module 2: Control Structures and Procedures

Module 3: Working with Data

Module 4: Object-Oriented Programming

Module 5: Advanced Delphi Features

Module 6: GUI Development with VCL and FMX

Module 7: Web and Mobile Development

Module 8: Best Practices and Design Patterns

Module 9: Final Project

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