Rigging is a crucial step in the animation process, especially for character animation. It involves creating a skeleton for a 3D model so that it can be posed and animated. In this lesson, we will cover the basics of rigging in Blender, including creating bones, setting up a basic armature, and binding the armature to a mesh.

Key Concepts

  1. Armature: A structure of bones used to deform a 3D model.
  2. Bones: Individual elements of an armature that can be manipulated to pose the model.
  3. Parenting: The process of linking bones to a mesh so that the mesh deforms with the bones.
  4. Weight Painting: A method to control how much influence each bone has on different parts of the mesh.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Creating an Armature

  1. Add an Armature:

    • Go to Add > Armature > Single Bone.
    • A single bone will appear at the 3D cursor location.
  2. Edit Mode:

    • Select the armature and switch to Edit Mode (Tab key).
    • In Edit Mode, you can add, delete, and manipulate bones.
  3. Adding Bones:

    • Select the tip of the bone and press E to extrude a new bone.
    • Continue extruding bones to create the desired skeleton structure.

  1. Setting Up the Armature

  1. Naming Bones:

    • It's good practice to name your bones for easier identification.
    • Select a bone, go to the Bone properties tab, and rename it.
  2. Parenting Bones:

    • Ensure bones are correctly parented to form a hierarchy.
    • Select a bone, then Shift-select the parent bone, and press Ctrl + P to parent.

  1. Binding the Armature to the Mesh

  1. Object Mode:

    • Switch back to Object Mode (Tab key).
    • Select the mesh, then Shift-select the armature.
  2. Parenting with Automatic Weights:

    • Press Ctrl + P and choose With Automatic Weights.
    • Blender will automatically assign weights to the mesh based on the bones' proximity.

  1. Weight Painting

  1. Weight Paint Mode:

    • Select the mesh and switch to Weight Paint Mode.
    • The mesh will be colored to show the influence of each bone.
  2. Adjusting Weights:

    • Use the brush tools to adjust the weights.
    • Red areas indicate high influence, while blue areas indicate low influence.

Practical Example

# Example: Creating a simple armature for a basic character model

# Step 1: Add a single bone
import bpy


# Step 2: Enter Edit Mode and extrude bones
bpy.ops.armature.extrude_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":(0, 0, 1)})
bpy.ops.armature.extrude_move(TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":(0, 0, 1)})

# Step 3: Name the bones
bpy.context.object.data.edit_bones["Bone"].name = "Root"
bpy.context.object.data.edit_bones["Bone.001"].name = "Spine"
bpy.context.object.data.edit_bones["Bone.002"].name = "Head"

# Step 4: Parent the mesh to the armature with automatic weights
mesh = bpy.data.objects['YourMeshName']
armature = bpy.data.objects['Armature']
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = armature


Task: Create a simple armature for a basic humanoid model and bind it to the mesh.

  1. Add an armature with a single bone.
  2. Extrude bones to create a basic skeleton (spine, arms, legs).
  3. Name the bones appropriately.
  4. Parent the mesh to the armature using automatic weights.
  5. Adjust the weights using Weight Paint Mode to ensure proper deformation.


  1. Add an armature: Add > Armature > Single Bone.
  2. Enter Edit Mode and extrude bones to form the skeleton.
  3. Name the bones (e.g., "Root", "Spine", "Arm.L", "Arm.R", "Leg.L", "Leg.R").
  4. Parent the mesh to the armature with automatic weights: Ctrl + P > With Automatic Weights.
  5. Adjust weights in Weight Paint Mode to ensure smooth deformation.

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Incorrect Parenting: Ensure bones are correctly parented to form a logical hierarchy.
  • Weight Painting Issues: If parts of the mesh do not deform correctly, check and adjust the weights.
  • Bone Naming: Use clear and consistent names for bones to avoid confusion.


In this lesson, we covered the basics of rigging in Blender, including creating an armature, setting up bones, and binding the armature to a mesh. Rigging is a fundamental skill for animating characters and other complex models. In the next lesson, we will delve into animating characters using the rig we created.

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