In this module, we will explore the essential techniques and tools for debugging and testing your Apache Cordova applications. Ensuring your app is free of bugs and performs well is crucial for providing a good user experience. This module will cover:

  1. Introduction to Debugging and Testing
  2. Debugging Tools and Techniques
  3. Testing Strategies
  4. Automated Testing
  5. Practical Exercises

  1. Introduction to Debugging and Testing

Debugging and testing are critical steps in the development process. They help identify and fix issues, ensuring that the application runs smoothly across different devices and platforms.

Key Concepts:

  • Debugging: The process of identifying, analyzing, and fixing bugs or issues in the code.
  • Testing: The process of evaluating the application to ensure it meets the required standards and functions correctly.

  1. Debugging Tools and Techniques

2.1 Using Browser Developer Tools

Most modern browsers come with built-in developer tools that can be used to debug Cordova applications.

Example: Debugging with Chrome DevTools

  1. Open Chrome DevTools:

    • Press F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Opt+I (Mac) to open DevTools.
  2. Inspect Elements:

    • Use the Elements panel to inspect and modify the HTML and CSS of your application.
  3. Console:

    • Use the Console panel to log messages and run JavaScript code.
    console.log('Debugging Cordova App');
  4. Sources:

    • Use the Sources panel to set breakpoints and step through your JavaScript code.

2.2 Using Remote Debugging

For debugging on actual devices, you can use remote debugging tools.

Example: Remote Debugging with Chrome

  1. Enable USB Debugging on your Android device.
  2. Connect your device to your computer via USB.
  3. Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://inspect.
  4. Select your device and the app you want to debug.

2.3 Using Cordova CLI for Debugging

Cordova CLI provides commands to help with debugging.

Example: Running the App in Debug Mode

cordova run android --debug

  1. Testing Strategies

3.1 Manual Testing

Manual testing involves running the application and manually checking its functionality.

Checklist for Manual Testing:

  • Verify UI elements are displayed correctly.
  • Test user interactions (e.g., buttons, forms).
  • Check app behavior on different devices and screen sizes.

3.2 Automated Testing

Automated testing involves writing scripts to automatically test the application.

Types of Automated Tests:

  • Unit Tests: Test individual components or functions.
  • Integration Tests: Test the interaction between different components.
  • End-to-End (E2E) Tests: Test the entire application flow.

  1. Automated Testing

4.1 Setting Up a Testing Framework

Popular testing frameworks for Cordova include Jasmine, Mocha, and Karma.

Example: Setting Up Jasmine

  1. Install Jasmine:

    npm install --save-dev jasmine
  2. Initialize Jasmine:

    npx jasmine init
  3. Write a Test:

    describe("A suite", function() {
      it("contains a spec with an expectation", function() {
  4. Run the Tests:

    npx jasmine

4.2 Using Appium for E2E Testing

Appium is a popular tool for automating mobile app testing.

Example: Setting Up Appium

  1. Install Appium:

    npm install -g appium
  2. Start Appium Server:

  3. Write a Test Script:

    const wdio = require("webdriverio");
    const opts = {
      path: '/wd/hub',
      port: 4723,
      capabilities: {
        platformName: "Android",
        platformVersion: "9",
        deviceName: "Android Emulator",
        app: "/path/to/the/app.apk",
        automationName: "UiAutomator2"
    async function main() {
      const client = await wdio.remote(opts);
      const field = await client.$("~textField");
      await field.setValue("Hello World!");
      const value = await field.getText();
      console.log(value); // Should output "Hello World!"
      await client.deleteSession();

  1. Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Debugging with Chrome DevTools

  1. Create a simple Cordova app with a button that logs a message to the console.
  2. Open the app in Chrome and use DevTools to inspect the button element.
  3. Set a breakpoint in the JavaScript code and step through the code when the button is clicked.

Exercise 2: Writing Unit Tests with Jasmine

  1. Set up Jasmine in your Cordova project.
  2. Write a unit test for a function that adds two numbers.
  3. Run the test and ensure it passes.

Exercise 3: End-to-End Testing with Appium

  1. Set up Appium and write a test script to automate a simple user interaction in your Cordova app.
  2. Run the test script and verify the results.


In this module, we covered the essential tools and techniques for debugging and testing Apache Cordova applications. We explored how to use browser developer tools, remote debugging, and the Cordova CLI for debugging. We also discussed manual and automated testing strategies, including setting up testing frameworks like Jasmine and Appium. By mastering these skills, you can ensure your Cordova applications are robust, reliable, and provide a great user experience.

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