In this section, we will explore how to transform data using TensorFlow Extended (TFX). Data transformation is a crucial step in the machine learning pipeline, as it ensures that the data is in the right format and quality for training models. We will cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Data Transformation
  2. Using tf.Transform
  3. Common Data Transformation Techniques
  4. Practical Example: Transforming a Dataset
  5. Exercises

  1. Introduction to Data Transformation

Data transformation involves converting raw data into a format that is suitable for machine learning models. This process can include:

  • Normalizing or scaling features
  • Encoding categorical variables
  • Handling missing values
  • Creating new features from existing ones

TFX provides a library called tf.Transform that helps automate and manage these transformations.

  1. Using tf.Transform

tf.Transform is a library for preprocessing data in a TensorFlow pipeline. It allows you to define transformations that are consistent during both training and serving. The key components of tf.Transform are:

  • Preprocessing Function: A function that defines the transformations to be applied to the data.
  • Transform Component: A TFX component that applies the preprocessing function to the data.

Example Preprocessing Function

import tensorflow_transform as tft

def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
    outputs = {}
    # Normalize numerical features
    outputs['normalized_feature'] = tft.scale_to_z_score(inputs['numerical_feature'])
    # Encode categorical features
    outputs['encoded_feature'] = tft.compute_and_apply_vocabulary(inputs['categorical_feature'])
    return outputs

In this example, preprocessing_fn normalizes a numerical feature and encodes a categorical feature.

  1. Common Data Transformation Techniques

Here are some common data transformation techniques you can apply using tf.Transform:


Normalization scales numerical features to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

normalized_feature = tft.scale_to_z_score(inputs['numerical_feature'])

Encoding Categorical Variables

Encoding converts categorical variables into numerical values.

encoded_feature = tft.compute_and_apply_vocabulary(inputs['categorical_feature'])

Handling Missing Values

You can fill missing values with a default value or a computed statistic.

filled_feature = tft.fill_missing(inputs['feature'], default_value=0)

Creating New Features

You can create new features by combining or transforming existing ones.

new_feature = inputs['feature1'] * inputs['feature2']

  1. Practical Example: Transforming a Dataset

Let's walk through a practical example of transforming a dataset using tf.Transform.

Step 1: Define the Preprocessing Function

def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
    outputs = {}
    outputs['normalized_age'] = tft.scale_to_z_score(inputs['age'])
    outputs['encoded_gender'] = tft.compute_and_apply_vocabulary(inputs['gender'])
    outputs['filled_income'] = tft.fill_missing(inputs['income'], default_value=0)
    outputs['age_income_ratio'] = inputs['age'] / (inputs['income'] + 1)
    return outputs

Step 2: Apply the Transform Component

from tfx.components import Transform
from tfx.proto import example_gen_pb2

transform = Transform(

Step 3: Use the Transformed Data

After the transformation, you can use the transformed data for training your model.

transformed_examples = transform.outputs['transformed_examples']

  1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Normalize a Feature

Normalize the height feature in the dataset.

def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
    outputs = {}
    outputs['normalized_height'] = tft.scale_to_z_score(inputs['height'])
    return outputs

Exercise 2: Encode a Categorical Feature

Encode the occupation feature in the dataset.

def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
    outputs = {}
    outputs['encoded_occupation'] = tft.compute_and_apply_vocabulary(inputs['occupation'])
    return outputs

Exercise 3: Handle Missing Values

Fill missing values in the salary feature with the mean value.

def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
    outputs = {}
    outputs['filled_salary'] = tft.fill_missing(inputs['salary'], default_value=tft.mean(inputs['salary']))
    return outputs


In this section, we covered the basics of data transformation using TFX and tf.Transform. We learned how to define a preprocessing function, apply common data transformation techniques, and use the transformed data in a machine learning pipeline. By mastering these techniques, you can ensure that your data is in the best possible shape for training robust and accurate models.

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