In this section, we will explore advanced chart types in Tableau that go beyond the basic visualizations. These advanced charts can help you uncover deeper insights and present your data in more compelling ways.

Key Concepts

  1. Bullet Graphs
  2. Box Plots
  3. Gantt Charts
  4. Waterfall Charts
  5. Heat Maps
  6. Sparklines

  1. Bullet Graphs

What is a Bullet Graph?

A bullet graph is a variation of a bar chart designed to compare a single measure against a target value and performance ranges.

How to Create a Bullet Graph

  1. Connect to your data source and open a new worksheet.
  2. Drag a measure (e.g., Sales) to the Columns shelf.
  3. Drag a dimension (e.g., Region) to the Rows shelf.
  4. Right-click on the axis and select "Add Reference Line".
  5. Configure the reference line to show the target value.
  6. Drag the measure again to the Detail shelf to add performance ranges.


Sales Target: $500,000
Performance Ranges: Poor (<$300,000), Average ($300,000-$500,000), Good (>$500,000)

  1. Box Plots

What is a Box Plot?

A box plot displays the distribution of data based on a five-number summary: minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum.

How to Create a Box Plot

  1. Drag a measure (e.g., Profit) to the Rows shelf.
  2. Drag a dimension (e.g., Category) to the Columns shelf.
  3. Click on the Show Me panel and select the Box Plot option.


Category: Technology
Profit Distribution: Min: $100, Q1: $200, Median: $300, Q3: $400, Max: $500

  1. Gantt Charts

What is a Gantt Chart?

A Gantt chart is used to illustrate a project schedule, showing the start and end dates of tasks.

How to Create a Gantt Chart

  1. Drag a dimension (e.g., Task) to the Rows shelf.
  2. Drag a date field (e.g., Start Date) to the Columns shelf.
  3. Change the mark type to Gantt Bar.
  4. Drag another date field (e.g., End Date) to the Size shelf to represent the duration.


Task: Design Phase
Start Date: 01/01/2023
End Date: 01/15/2023

  1. Waterfall Charts

What is a Waterfall Chart?

A waterfall chart helps in understanding the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values.

How to Create a Waterfall Chart

  1. Drag a measure (e.g., Profit) to the Rows shelf.
  2. Drag a dimension (e.g., Month) to the Columns shelf.
  3. Change the mark type to Gantt Bar.
  4. Drag the measure again to the Size shelf.
  5. Create a calculated field to show the running total.


Month: January
Profit: $10,000
Running Total: $10,000

  1. Heat Maps

What is a Heat Map?

A heat map uses color to represent data values in a matrix format, making it easy to identify patterns and correlations.

How to Create a Heat Map

  1. Drag a measure (e.g., Sales) to the Columns shelf.
  2. Drag a dimension (e.g., Region) to the Rows shelf.
  3. Drag another dimension (e.g., Product) to the Color shelf.
  4. Adjust the color legend to represent different data ranges.


Region: East
Product: Laptop
Sales: $50,000
Color: Dark Blue (High Sales)

  1. Sparklines

What is a Sparkline?

A sparkline is a small, simple chart that provides a compact visual representation of data trends over time.

How to Create a Sparkline

  1. Drag a measure (e.g., Sales) to the Rows shelf.
  2. Drag a date field (e.g., Month) to the Columns shelf.
  3. Change the mark type to Line.
  4. Adjust the axis to fit the small size of the sparkline.


Month: January to December
Sales Trend: Increasing

Practical Exercise

Exercise: Create a Waterfall Chart

  1. Connect to the Sample - Superstore data source.
  2. Drag the Order Date to the Columns shelf and set it to Month.
  3. Drag the Profit to the Rows shelf.
  4. Change the mark type to Gantt Bar.
  5. Drag the Profit again to the Size shelf.
  6. Create a calculated field named "Running Total" with the formula:
  7. Drag the Running Total to the Rows shelf.


1. Connect to Sample - Superstore.
2. Drag Order Date to Columns and set to Month.
3. Drag Profit to Rows.
4. Change mark type to Gantt Bar.
5. Drag Profit to Size.
6. Create calculated field "Running Total" with formula: RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Profit])).
7. Drag Running Total to Rows.


In this section, we explored various advanced chart types in Tableau, including bullet graphs, box plots, Gantt charts, waterfall charts, heat maps, and sparklines. These charts can help you present your data in more insightful and visually appealing ways. Practice creating these charts to become proficient in advanced data visualization techniques. Next, we will delve into using LOD (Level of Detail) expressions to further enhance your data analysis capabilities.

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