In Swift, data types are used to define the type of data that a variable or constant can hold. Understanding data types is fundamental to writing effective and error-free code. This section will cover the basic data types in Swift, how to use them, and provide practical examples and exercises.

Key Concepts

  1. Basic Data Types:

    • Int: Represents integer values.
    • Float and Double: Represent floating-point numbers.
    • Bool: Represents Boolean values (true or false).
    • String: Represents a sequence of characters.
    • Character: Represents a single character.
  2. Type Inference:

    • Swift can automatically infer the type of a variable or constant based on the value assigned to it.
  3. Type Annotations:

    • You can explicitly specify the type of a variable or constant using type annotations.

Basic Data Types

Integer (Int)

Integers are whole numbers without a fractional component.

let age: Int = 25
var numberOfApples = 10 // Type inferred as Int

Floating-Point Numbers (Float and Double)

Floating-point numbers are numbers with a fractional component. Double has double the precision of Float.

let pi: Double = 3.14159
var temperature: Float = 36.6 // Type inferred as Float

Boolean (Bool)

Boolean values represent true or false.

let isSwiftFun: Bool = true
var isRaining = false // Type inferred as Bool


Strings are sequences of characters.

let greeting: String = "Hello, World!"
var name = "Alice" // Type inferred as String


Characters represent a single character.

let letter: Character = "A"
var symbol: Character = "@" // Type inferred as Character

Type Inference

Swift can infer the type of a variable or constant based on the value assigned to it. This makes the code cleaner and easier to read.

let inferredInt = 42 // Inferred as Int
let inferredDouble = 3.14 // Inferred as Double
let inferredBool = true // Inferred as Bool
let inferredString = "Swift" // Inferred as String

Type Annotations

You can explicitly specify the type of a variable or constant using type annotations. This is useful for clarity and when the type cannot be inferred.

let explicitInt: Int = 42
let explicitDouble: Double = 3.14
let explicitBool: Bool = true
let explicitString: String = "Swift"

Practical Examples

Example 1: Using Different Data Types

let age: Int = 30
let height: Double = 5.9
let isStudent: Bool = false
let firstName: String = "John"
let initial: Character = "J"

print("Name: \(firstName), Initial: \(initial), Age: \(age), Height: \(height), Is Student: \(isStudent)")

Example 2: Type Inference

var city = "New York" // Inferred as String
var population = 8_336_817 // Inferred as Int
var area = 468.9 // Inferred as Double
var isCapital = false // Inferred as Bool

print("City: \(city), Population: \(population), Area: \(area) sq mi, Is Capital: \(isCapital)")


Exercise 1: Declare Variables

Declare variables for the following:

  • An integer representing the number of books you own.
  • A double representing your height in meters.
  • A boolean indicating if you have a pet.
  • A string with your favorite quote.
  • A character with the first letter of your last name.


let numberOfBooks: Int = 50
let heightInMeters: Double = 1.75
let hasPet: Bool = true
let favoriteQuote: String = "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today."
let lastNameInitial: Character = "S"

Exercise 2: Type Inference

Create variables using type inference for the following:

  • Your favorite movie.
  • The year you were born.
  • The average temperature in your city.
  • Whether you like ice cream.


var favoriteMovie = "Inception" // Inferred as String
var birthYear = 1990 // Inferred as Int
var averageTemperature = 22.5 // Inferred as Double
var likesIceCream = true // Inferred as Bool

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Mistake: Assigning a value of the wrong type to a variable.

    • Tip: Always ensure the value matches the declared type.
  • Mistake: Forgetting to use type annotations when necessary.

    • Tip: Use type annotations for clarity and when the type cannot be inferred.


In this section, you learned about the basic data types in Swift, including integers, floating-point numbers, booleans, strings, and characters. You also learned about type inference and type annotations. Understanding these concepts is crucial for writing effective Swift code. In the next section, we will explore control flow in Swift, starting with conditional statements.

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