Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses "objects" to design applications and computer programs. In R, OOP can be implemented using three different systems: S3, S4, and Reference Classes (R5). This section will cover the basics of these systems, providing practical examples and exercises to help you understand how to use OOP in R.

Key Concepts

  1. Objects: Instances of classes that encapsulate data and functions.
  2. Classes: Blueprints for creating objects.
  3. Methods: Functions that operate on objects.
  4. Inheritance: Mechanism to create new classes from existing ones.

S3 System

Creating S3 Objects

S3 is the simplest and most commonly used OOP system in R. It is informal and flexible.

# Define a simple S3 class
person <- list(name = "John Doe", age = 30)
class(person) <- "Person"

# Print the object

Creating S3 Methods

Methods in S3 are just regular functions with a specific naming convention: generic.class.

# Define a print method for the Person class
print.Person <- function(obj) {
  cat("Name:", obj$name, "\n")
  cat("Age:", obj$age, "\n")

# Use the print method

Practical Exercise

Exercise: Create an S3 class Car with attributes make, model, and year. Write a print method for the Car class.


# Define the Car class
car <- list(make = "Toyota", model = "Corolla", year = 2020)
class(car) <- "Car"

# Define a print method for the Car class
print.Car <- function(obj) {
  cat("Make:", obj$make, "\n")
  cat("Model:", obj$model, "\n")
  cat("Year:", obj$year, "\n")

# Use the print method

S4 System

Creating S4 Classes

S4 is more formal and rigorous than S3, providing better data validation and encapsulation.

# Define an S4 class
         slots = list(name = "character", age = "numeric"))

# Create an instance of the S4 class
john <- new("Person", name = "John Doe", age = 30)

# Print the object

Creating S4 Methods

Methods in S4 are defined using setMethod.

# Define a show method for the Person class
setMethod("show", "Person", function(object) {
  cat("Name:", object@name, "\n")
  cat("Age:", object@age, "\n")

# Use the show method

Practical Exercise

Exercise: Create an S4 class Car with slots make, model, and year. Write a show method for the Car class.


# Define the Car class
         slots = list(make = "character", model = "character", year = "numeric"))

# Create an instance of the Car class
toyota <- new("Car", make = "Toyota", model = "Corolla", year = 2020)

# Define a show method for the Car class
setMethod("show", "Car", function(object) {
  cat("Make:", object@make, "\n")
  cat("Model:", object@model, "\n")
  cat("Year:", object@year, "\n")

# Use the show method

Reference Classes (R5)

Creating Reference Classes

Reference Classes (R5) are more similar to OOP in other languages like Java or Python, providing mutable objects.

# Define a Reference Class
Person <- setRefClass("Person",
                      fields = list(name = "character", age = "numeric"))

# Create an instance of the Reference Class
john <- Person$new(name = "John Doe", age = 30)

# Print the object

Creating Methods in Reference Classes

Methods in Reference Classes are defined within the class definition.

# Define a Reference Class with methods
Person <- setRefClass("Person",
                      fields = list(name = "character", age = "numeric"),
                      methods = list(
                        show = function() {
                          cat("Name:", name, "\n")
                          cat("Age:", age, "\n")

# Create an instance and use the method
john <- Person$new(name = "John Doe", age = 30)

Practical Exercise

Exercise: Create a Reference Class Car with fields make, model, and year. Write a method to display the car details.


# Define the Car class
Car <- setRefClass("Car",
                   fields = list(make = "character", model = "character", year = "numeric"),
                   methods = list(
                     show = function() {
                       cat("Make:", make, "\n")
                       cat("Model:", model, "\n")
                       cat("Year:", year, "\n")

# Create an instance and use the method
toyota <- Car$new(make = "Toyota", model = "Corolla", year = 2020)


In this section, we covered the basics of Object-Oriented Programming in R, focusing on the three main systems: S3, S4, and Reference Classes (R5). We learned how to create classes, objects, and methods in each system, and provided practical exercises to reinforce the concepts.

Key Takeaways

  • S3: Simple and flexible, uses naming conventions for methods.
  • S4: More formal, provides better data validation and encapsulation.
  • Reference Classes (R5): Similar to OOP in other languages, provides mutable objects.

In the next section, we will delve into Functional Programming in R, exploring how to write and use functions effectively.

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