In this module, we will explore how to work with XML and JSON data formats in PowerShell. These formats are widely used for data interchange and configuration files, making it essential for PowerShell users to understand how to manipulate them effectively.

Table of Contents

Introduction to XML and JSON

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) are two popular formats for data representation and interchange. XML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. JSON, on the other hand, is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate.

Working with XML in PowerShell

Loading XML Data

To work with XML data in PowerShell, you first need to load the XML content into a variable. This can be done using the Get-Content cmdlet combined with the [xml] type accelerator.

# Load XML data from a file
$xmlData = [xml](Get-Content -Path "C:\path\to\your\file.xml")

# Display the loaded XML data

Navigating XML Nodes

Once the XML data is loaded, you can navigate through its nodes using dot notation.

# Accessing a specific node
$rootNode = $xmlData.RootNode

# Accessing child nodes
$childNode = $rootNode.ChildNode

# Displaying the value of a node

Modifying XML Data

You can also modify the XML data by changing the values of nodes or adding new nodes.

# Modifying an existing node value
$xmlData.RootNode.ChildNode.Value = "New Value"

# Adding a new node
$newNode = $xmlData.CreateElement("NewNode")
$newNode.InnerText = "New Node Value"

Saving XML Data

After making changes to the XML data, you can save it back to a file using the Save method.

# Save the modified XML data to a file

Working with JSON in PowerShell

Converting to JSON

To convert a PowerShell object to JSON, you can use the ConvertTo-Json cmdlet.

# Create a PowerShell object
$psObject = @{
    Name = "John Doe"
    Age = 30
    Occupation = "Software Developer"

# Convert the object to JSON
$jsonData = $psObject | ConvertTo-Json

# Display the JSON data

Parsing JSON Data

To parse JSON data into a PowerShell object, use the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet.

# Load JSON data from a file
$jsonData = Get-Content -Path "C:\path\to\your\file.json"

# Convert JSON data to a PowerShell object
$psObject = $jsonData | ConvertFrom-Json

# Display the PowerShell object

Modifying JSON Data

You can modify the JSON data by changing the properties of the PowerShell object.

# Modify a property value
$psObject.Name = "Jane Doe"

# Add a new property
$psObject.Email = "[email protected]"

Saving JSON Data

After making changes to the PowerShell object, you can convert it back to JSON and save it to a file.

# Convert the PowerShell object to JSON
$jsonData = $psObject | ConvertTo-Json

# Save the JSON data to a file
$jsonData | Set-Content -Path "C:\path\to\your\modified_file.json"

Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Load and Modify XML Data

  1. Create an XML file named example.xml with the following content:

            <Name>John Doe</Name>
            <Occupation>Software Developer</Occupation>
  2. Load the XML data into a PowerShell variable.

  3. Change the Name of the employee to "Jane Doe".

  4. Save the modified XML data to a new file named modified_example.xml.


# Load XML data
$xmlData = [xml](Get-Content -Path "C:\path\to\example.xml")

# Modify the employee's name
$xmlData.Employees.Employee.Name = "Jane Doe"

# Save the modified XML data

Exercise 2: Load and Modify JSON Data

  1. Create a JSON file named example.json with the following content:

        "Name": "John Doe",
        "Age": 30,
        "Occupation": "Software Developer"
  2. Load the JSON data into a PowerShell variable.

  3. Add a new property Email with the value "[email protected]".

  4. Save the modified JSON data to a new file named modified_example.json.


# Load JSON data
$jsonData = Get-Content -Path "C:\path\to\example.json"

# Convert JSON data to a PowerShell object
$psObject = $jsonData | ConvertFrom-Json

# Add a new property
$psObject.Email = "[email protected]"

# Convert the PowerShell object to JSON
$jsonData = $psObject | ConvertTo-Json

# Save the modified JSON data
$jsonData | Set-Content -Path "C:\path\to\modified_example.json"


In this module, we covered how to work with XML and JSON data in PowerShell. We learned how to load, navigate, modify, and save XML data using PowerShell's built-in capabilities. We also explored how to convert PowerShell objects to JSON, parse JSON data, modify it, and save it back to a file. These skills are essential for handling data interchange and configuration files in various automation and scripting tasks.

PowerShell Course

Module 1: Introduction to PowerShell

Module 2: Basic Scripting

Module 3: Working with Objects

Module 4: Advanced Scripting Techniques

Module 5: Automation and Task Scheduling

Module 6: PowerShell Remoting

Module 7: Advanced PowerShell Features

Module 8: PowerShell and DevOps

Module 9: Best Practices and Advanced Tips

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