Introduction to Hashes

Hashes, also known as associative arrays, are a fundamental data structure in Perl. They allow you to store data in key-value pairs, where each key is unique and maps to a specific value. This is particularly useful for situations where you need to look up values based on a unique identifier.

Key Concepts

  • Key-Value Pairs: Each element in a hash is a pair consisting of a key and a value.
  • Unique Keys: Keys in a hash must be unique; if you assign a new value to an existing key, the old value is overwritten.
  • Unordered: Hashes do not maintain the order of elements.

Creating and Accessing Hashes

Creating a Hash

You can create a hash using the my keyword and a list of key-value pairs.

my %fruit_colors = (
    apple  => 'red',
    banana => 'yellow',
    grape  => 'purple',

Accessing Hash Elements

You can access the value associated with a specific key using the hash variable followed by the key in curly braces.

print $fruit_colors{'apple'};  # Output: red

Adding and Modifying Elements

To add a new key-value pair or modify an existing one, simply assign a value to a key.

$fruit_colors{'orange'} = 'orange';  # Adding a new key-value pair
$fruit_colors{'banana'} = 'green';   # Modifying an existing value

Deleting Elements

You can delete a key-value pair using the delete function.

delete $fruit_colors{'grape'};

Iterating Over Hashes

Iterating Over Keys

You can iterate over the keys of a hash using the keys function in a foreach loop.

foreach my $key (keys %fruit_colors) {
    print "$key: $fruit_colors{$key}\n";

Iterating Over Values

You can iterate over the values of a hash using the values function.

foreach my $value (values %fruit_colors) {
    print "$value\n";

Iterating Over Key-Value Pairs

You can iterate over key-value pairs using the each function.

while (my ($key, $value) = each %fruit_colors) {
    print "$key: $value\n";

Practical Examples

Example 1: Counting Word Frequency

my @words = qw(apple banana apple grape banana apple);
my %word_count;

foreach my $word (@words) {

foreach my $word (keys %word_count) {
    print "$word: $word_count{$word}\n";

Example 2: Storing User Information

my %user_info = (
    'john_doe' => {
        'email' => '[email protected]',
        'age'   => 30,
    'jane_smith' => {
        'email' => '[email protected]',
        'age'   => 25,

print $user_info{'john_doe'}{'email'};  # Output: [email protected]


Exercise 1: Create a Hash

Create a hash %capitals that stores the capital cities of three countries. Print out the capital of one of the countries.


my %capitals = (
    'France'    => 'Paris',
    'Germany'   => 'Berlin',
    'Italy'     => 'Rome',

print $capitals{'Germany'};  # Output: Berlin

Exercise 2: Modify a Hash

Given the hash %capitals from the previous exercise, add a new country and its capital, and then modify the capital of one of the existing countries. Print the updated hash.


$capitals{'Spain'} = 'Madrid';  # Adding a new key-value pair
$capitals{'Italy'} = 'Milan';   # Modifying an existing value

foreach my $country (keys %capitals) {
    print "$country: $capitals{$country}\n";

Exercise 3: Delete from a Hash

Delete one of the countries from the %capitals hash and print the remaining elements.


delete $capitals{'France'};

foreach my $country (keys %capitals) {
    print "$country: $capitals{$country}\n";

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Using Non-Unique Keys: Remember that keys in a hash must be unique. Assigning a new value to an existing key will overwrite the old value.
  • Iterating Over Hashes: When iterating over a hash, the order of elements is not guaranteed. If order matters, consider using an array of keys sorted in the desired order.
  • Accessing Non-Existent Keys: Accessing a key that does not exist in the hash will return undef. Be cautious of this when performing operations on hash values.


In this section, you learned about hashes in Perl, including how to create, access, modify, and delete elements. You also practiced iterating over hashes and explored practical examples. Understanding hashes is crucial for managing key-value data efficiently in Perl. In the next section, we will delve into file handling, which will allow you to read from and write to files using Perl.

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