Introduction to Pointers

Pointers are a fundamental concept in Go (and many other programming languages) that allow you to directly manipulate memory addresses. Understanding pointers is crucial for efficient memory management and for working with data structures like linked lists, trees, and graphs.

Key Concepts

  1. Pointer Definition: A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable.
  2. Dereferencing: Accessing the value stored at the memory address held by a pointer.
  3. Pointer Types: Pointers have types, which indicate the type of variable they point to.
  4. Nil Pointers: A pointer that does not point to any memory location.

Declaring and Using Pointers

Declaring a Pointer

To declare a pointer, you use the * operator before the type of the variable it points to.

var ptr *int

This declares a pointer ptr that can hold the address of an int variable.

Assigning a Pointer

You can assign the address of a variable to a pointer using the & operator.

var x int = 10
var ptr *int = &x

Here, ptr holds the address of the variable x.

Dereferencing a Pointer

To access the value stored at the address a pointer holds, you use the * operator.

fmt.Println(*ptr) // Outputs: 10


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var x int = 10
    var ptr *int = &x

    fmt.Println("Value of x:", x)       // Outputs: Value of x: 10
    fmt.Println("Address of x:", &x)    // Outputs: Address of x: 0xc0000140b0 (example address)
    fmt.Println("Value of ptr:", ptr)   // Outputs: Value of ptr: 0xc0000140b0 (example address)
    fmt.Println("Value at ptr:", *ptr)  // Outputs: Value at ptr: 10

    *ptr = 20
    fmt.Println("New value of x:", x)   // Outputs: New value of x: 20


  1. var x int = 10: Declares an integer variable x and initializes it to 10.
  2. var ptr *int = &x: Declares a pointer ptr and assigns it the address of x.
  3. fmt.Println("Value of x:", x): Prints the value of x.
  4. fmt.Println("Address of x:", &x): Prints the address of x.
  5. fmt.Println("Value of ptr:", ptr): Prints the value of ptr, which is the address of x.
  6. fmt.Println("Value at ptr:", *ptr): Dereferences ptr to print the value stored at the address it holds.
  7. *ptr = 20: Changes the value at the address ptr holds to 20.
  8. fmt.Println("New value of x:", x): Prints the new value of x, which is now 20.

Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Basic Pointer Operations

Task: Write a program that declares an integer variable, assigns its address to a pointer, and modifies the variable's value through the pointer.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var num int = 42
    var ptr *int = &num

    fmt.Println("Initial value of num:", num) // Outputs: Initial value of num: 42

    *ptr = 100
    fmt.Println("New value of num:", num)     // Outputs: New value of num: 100

Exercise 2: Swapping Values Using Pointers

Task: Write a function swap that takes two pointers to integers and swaps their values.


package main

import "fmt"

func swap(a, b *int) {
    temp := *a
    *a = *b
    *b = temp

func main() {
    x, y := 1, 2
    fmt.Println("Before swap: x =", x, "y =", y) // Outputs: Before swap: x = 1 y = 2

    swap(&x, &y)
    fmt.Println("After swap: x =", x, "y =", y)  // Outputs: After swap: x = 2 y = 1

Common Mistakes and Tips

  1. Dereferencing Nil Pointers: Always ensure a pointer is not nil before dereferencing it to avoid runtime errors.
  2. Pointer Types: Ensure the pointer type matches the type of the variable it points to.
  3. Memory Leaks: Be cautious with pointers in long-running applications to avoid memory leaks.


In this section, you learned about pointers in Go, including how to declare, assign, and dereference them. You also practiced using pointers through exercises. Understanding pointers is essential for efficient memory management and for working with complex data structures. In the next module, we will explore error handling in Go, which is crucial for building robust applications.

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