
The Task Parallel Library (TPL) in F# is a set of public types and APIs in the System.Threading.Tasks namespace that simplify the process of adding parallelism and concurrency to applications. TPL provides a higher level of abstraction over traditional threading, making it easier to write efficient, scalable, and maintainable parallel code.

Key Concepts


  • Task: Represents an asynchronous operation. It can return a value (Task<'T>) or be void (Task).
  • Task.Run: A method to queue a task to run on the thread pool.
  • Task.Wait: Blocks the calling thread until the task completes.
  • Task.Result: Gets the result value of a completed task.

Task Continuations

  • ContinueWith: Schedules a continuation task that runs after the antecedent task completes.

Task Combinators

  • Task.WhenAll: Creates a task that will complete when all of the supplied tasks have completed.
  • Task.WhenAny: Creates a task that will complete when any one of the supplied tasks has completed.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Basic Task Creation and Execution

open System.Threading.Tasks

let simpleTask = Task.Run(fun () ->
    printfn "Task is running"

simpleTask.Wait() // Wait for the task to complete
printfn "Task result: %d" simpleTask.Result


  • Task.Run queues a task to run on the thread pool.
  • simpleTask.Wait() blocks the calling thread until the task completes.
  • simpleTask.Result retrieves the result of the task.

Example 2: Task Continuations

open System.Threading.Tasks

let firstTask = Task.Run(fun () ->
    printfn "First task is running"

let continuationTask = firstTask.ContinueWith(fun antecedent ->
    printfn "Continuation task is running"
    antecedent.Result + 1

printfn "Continuation task result: %d" continuationTask.Result


  • firstTask runs and returns 42.
  • continuationTask runs after firstTask completes and adds 1 to the result of firstTask.

Example 3: Task Combinators

open System.Threading.Tasks

let task1 = Task.Run(fun () ->
    printfn "Task 1 is running"

let task2 = Task.Run(fun () ->
    printfn "Task 2 is running"

let allTasks = Task.WhenAll([| task1; task2 |])

printfn "All tasks completed. Results: %A" (allTasks.Result)


  • task1 and task2 run concurrently.
  • Task.WhenAll waits for both tasks to complete and aggregates their results.

Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Creating and Running Tasks

Task: Create a task that calculates the sum of numbers from 1 to 100 and prints the result.


open System.Threading.Tasks

let sumTask = Task.Run(fun () ->
    let sum = [1..100] |> List.sum
    printfn "Sum of numbers from 1 to 100: %d" sum


Exercise 2: Using Task Continuations

Task: Create a task that multiplies two numbers, and then create a continuation task that adds 10 to the result.


open System.Threading.Tasks

let multiplyTask = Task.Run(fun () ->
    let result = 5 * 6
    printfn "Multiplication result: %d" result

let addTask = multiplyTask.ContinueWith(fun antecedent ->
    let result = antecedent.Result + 10
    printfn "Addition result: %d" result


Exercise 3: Using Task Combinators

Task: Create two tasks that each return a string. Use Task.WhenAll to wait for both tasks to complete and then print the concatenated result.


open System.Threading.Tasks

let task1 = Task.Run(fun () ->

let task2 = Task.Run(fun () ->

let combinedTask = Task.WhenAll([| task1; task2 |])

let result = String.concat " " combinedTask.Result
printfn "Combined result: %s" result

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Blocking the Main Thread: Avoid using Task.Wait or Task.Result on the main thread in GUI applications as it can cause the UI to freeze.
  • Exception Handling: Always handle exceptions in tasks using try...with or by checking the Task.Exception property.
  • Task Cancellation: Use CancellationToken to support task cancellation.


In this section, we explored the Task Parallel Library (TPL) in F#. We covered the basics of creating and running tasks, using task continuations, and combining tasks. By understanding these concepts, you can write more efficient and scalable parallel code in F#. In the next section, we will delve into the MailboxProcessor and agents for more advanced concurrency patterns.

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