Operator overloading is a powerful feature in Fortran that allows you to define custom behavior for operators when they are applied to user-defined types. This can make your code more intuitive and easier to read by allowing you to use standard operators with your custom data types.

Key Concepts

  1. User-Defined Types: Before you can overload an operator, you need a user-defined type (also known as a derived type).
  2. Interface Blocks: These are used to declare the operator overloading.
  3. Module: Typically, operator overloading is done within a module to encapsulate the type and its associated operations.
  4. Procedures: You need to write specific procedures that define the behavior of the overloaded operator.

Steps to Overload an Operator

  1. Define a User-Defined Type: Create a derived type that you want to overload operators for.
  2. Write Procedures: Implement procedures that define the behavior of the operator for your type.
  3. Create an Interface Block: Use an interface block to associate the operator with your procedures.
  4. Use the Module: Import the module where you defined the operator overloading into your main program.

Example: Overloading the Addition Operator

Step 1: Define a User-Defined Type

module vector_module
  implicit none
  type :: Vector
    real :: x
    real :: y
    real :: z
  end type Vector
end module vector_module

Step 2: Write Procedures

module vector_module
  implicit none
  type :: Vector
    real :: x
    real :: y
    real :: z
  end type Vector


  function add_vectors(v1, v2) result(v3)
    type(Vector), intent(in) :: v1, v2
    type(Vector) :: v3

    v3%x = v1%x + v2%x
    v3%y = v1%y + v2%y
    v3%z = v1%z + v2%z
  end function add_vectors
end module vector_module

Step 3: Create an Interface Block

module vector_module
  implicit none
  type :: Vector
    real :: x
    real :: y
    real :: z
  end type Vector

  interface operator(+)
    module procedure add_vectors
  end interface


  function add_vectors(v1, v2) result(v3)
    type(Vector), intent(in) :: v1, v2
    type(Vector) :: v3

    v3%x = v1%x + v2%x
    v3%y = v1%y + v2%y
    v3%z = v1%z + v2%z
  end function add_vectors
end module vector_module

Step 4: Use the Module

program test_operator_overloading
  use vector_module
  implicit none

  type(Vector) :: vec1, vec2, vec3

  ! Initialize vectors
  vec1 = Vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
  vec2 = Vector(4.0, 5.0, 6.0)

  ! Use overloaded + operator
  vec3 = vec1 + vec2

  ! Print result
  print *, 'Resulting Vector: ', vec3%x, vec3%y, vec3%z
end program test_operator_overloading

Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Overload the Subtraction Operator

  1. Define a procedure to subtract two Vector types.
  2. Create an interface block for the - operator.
  3. Test the overloaded operator in a main program.


module vector_module
  implicit none
  type :: Vector
    real :: x
    real :: y
    real :: z
  end type Vector

  interface operator(+)
    module procedure add_vectors
  end interface

  interface operator(-)
    module procedure subtract_vectors
  end interface


  function add_vectors(v1, v2) result(v3)
    type(Vector), intent(in) :: v1, v2
    type(Vector) :: v3

    v3%x = v1%x + v2%x
    v3%y = v1%y + v2%y
    v3%z = v1%z + v2%z
  end function add_vectors

  function subtract_vectors(v1, v2) result(v3)
    type(Vector), intent(in) :: v1, v2
    type(Vector) :: v3

    v3%x = v1%x - v2%x
    v3%y = v1%y - v2%y
    v3%z = v1%z - v2%z
  end function subtract_vectors
end module vector_module

program test_operator_overloading
  use vector_module
  implicit none

  type(Vector) :: vec1, vec2, vec3

  ! Initialize vectors
  vec1 = Vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
  vec2 = Vector(4.0, 5.0, 6.0)

  ! Use overloaded - operator
  vec3 = vec1 - vec2

  ! Print result
  print *, 'Resulting Vector: ', vec3%x, vec3%y, vec3%z
end program test_operator_overloading

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Type Mismatch: Ensure that the types of the operands match the expected types in the overloaded operator procedure.
  • Interface Block: Always declare the interface block within the same module where the procedures are defined.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test the overloaded operators to ensure they behave as expected.


In this section, you learned how to overload operators in Fortran, which allows you to define custom behavior for standard operators when applied to user-defined types. This can make your code more intuitive and easier to read. You also practiced overloading the addition and subtraction operators for a custom Vector type. In the next section, we will explore parallel programming with coarrays, which will enable you to write efficient parallel code in Fortran.

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