In this module, we will explore Docker networking in depth. Understanding Docker networking is crucial for creating scalable and efficient containerized applications. We will cover the following topics:

  1. Docker Networking Overview
  2. Types of Docker Networks
  3. Creating and Managing Docker Networks
  4. Connecting Containers to Networks
  5. Network Configuration Options
  6. Practical Examples and Exercises

  1. Docker Networking Overview

Docker networking allows containers to communicate with each other and with external systems. It provides various networking options to suit different use cases, from simple single-host setups to complex multi-host configurations.

Key Concepts:

  • Container Network Model (CNM): Docker's networking model that provides a consistent way to manage networking for containers.
  • Network Drivers: Plugins that implement the network functionality. Docker includes several built-in drivers.

  1. Types of Docker Networks

Docker supports several types of networks, each with its own use cases and characteristics:

Network Type Description
Bridge Default network type. Containers on the same bridge network can communicate with each other.
Host Containers share the host's network stack. Useful for performance-sensitive applications.
Overlay Enables multi-host networking. Requires a key-value store like etcd or Consul.
Macvlan Assigns a MAC address to each container, making it appear as a physical device on the network.
None Disables networking for the container.

  1. Creating and Managing Docker Networks

Creating a Network

You can create a Docker network using the docker network create command. For example, to create a bridge network:

docker network create my_bridge_network

Listing Networks

To list all Docker networks:

docker network ls

Inspecting a Network

To inspect a specific network and view its details:

docker network inspect my_bridge_network

Removing a Network

To remove a Docker network:

docker network rm my_bridge_network

  1. Connecting Containers to Networks

When you create a container, you can specify the network it should connect to using the --network option:

docker run -d --name my_container --network my_bridge_network nginx

You can also connect an existing container to a network:

docker network connect my_bridge_network my_container

And disconnect it:

docker network disconnect my_bridge_network my_container

  1. Network Configuration Options

Docker provides several options to configure networks:

  • Subnets and IP Ranges: You can specify custom subnets and IP ranges for your networks.
  • Gateways: Define custom gateways for your networks.
  • DNS Servers: Configure custom DNS servers for name resolution within the network.

Example: Creating a Network with Custom Subnet

docker network create --subnet= my_custom_network

  1. Practical Examples and Exercises

Example 1: Creating and Using a Bridge Network

  1. Create a bridge network:

    docker network create my_bridge_network
  2. Run two containers on this network:

    docker run -d --name container1 --network my_bridge_network nginx
    docker run -d --name container2 --network my_bridge_network nginx
  3. Verify that the containers can communicate:

    docker exec container1 ping container2

Exercise 1: Create and Connect Containers to a Custom Network

  1. Create a custom bridge network with a specific subnet:

    docker network create --subnet= my_custom_bridge
  2. Run a container on this network:

    docker run -d --name my_custom_container --network my_custom_bridge nginx
  3. Verify the container's IP address and connectivity:

    docker inspect my_custom_container
    docker exec my_custom_container ping


  1. Create the network:

    docker network create --subnet= my_custom_bridge
  2. Run the container:

    docker run -d --name my_custom_container --network my_custom_bridge nginx
  3. Verify the IP address and connectivity:

    docker inspect my_custom_container
    docker exec my_custom_container ping


In this module, we delved into Docker networking, covering the different types of networks, how to create and manage them, and how to connect containers to networks. Understanding these concepts is essential for building robust and scalable containerized applications. In the next module, we will explore Docker storage options in detail.

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