Ray tracing is an advanced rendering technique that simulates the way light interacts with objects to produce highly realistic images. Unlike traditional rasterization, which processes each triangle independently, ray tracing traces the path of light rays as they travel through a scene, allowing for more accurate reflections, refractions, and shadows.

Key Concepts

  1. Rays and Ray Casting:

    • Primary Rays: Rays that originate from the camera and travel into the scene.
    • Secondary Rays: Rays that are generated when primary rays interact with objects (e.g., reflection rays, refraction rays, shadow rays).
  2. Intersection Tests:

    • Determining where rays intersect with objects in the scene.
    • Calculating the exact point of intersection and the surface normal at that point.
  3. Shading Models:

    • Phong Shading: A simple model that includes ambient, diffuse, and specular components.
    • Physically Based Rendering (PBR): A more complex model that simulates real-world materials and lighting.
  4. Acceleration Structures:

    • Bounding Volume Hierarchies (BVH): A tree structure that groups objects to speed up intersection tests.
    • Grids and Octrees: Other spatial partitioning methods to optimize ray tracing performance.

Practical Example: Basic Ray Tracing in DirectX

Step 1: Setting Up the Ray Tracing Pipeline

First, ensure your development environment supports DirectX Raytracing (DXR). You will need a compatible GPU and the latest DirectX 12 SDK.

Step 2: Creating the Ray Tracing Pipeline State Object (RTPSO)

The RTPSO defines the shaders and resources used in the ray tracing process.

// Define the ray tracing pipeline state object (RTPSO)
D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_DESC raytracingPipelineDesc = {};

// Add ray generation, miss, and hit shaders
// (Assume shader bytecode is already compiled)
D3D12_DXIL_LIBRARY_DESC dxilLibDesc = {};
dxilLibDesc.DXILLibrary.pShaderBytecode = pShaderBytecode;
dxilLibDesc.DXILLibrary.BytecodeLength = shaderBytecodeSize;
raytracingPipelineDesc.pSubobjects = &dxilLibDesc;
raytracingPipelineDesc.NumSubobjects = 1;

// Create the RTPSO
ID3D12StateObject* pRaytracingPipelineState;
device->CreateStateObject(&raytracingPipelineDesc, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pRaytracingPipelineState));

Step 3: Defining the Ray Generation Shader

The ray generation shader is responsible for casting primary rays into the scene.

// Ray generation shader (HLSL)
void RayGenShader()
    // Calculate ray direction based on camera parameters
    float3 rayOrigin = cameraPosition;
    float3 rayDirection = CalculateRayDirection();

    // Trace the ray
    RayDesc ray;
    ray.Origin = rayOrigin;
    ray.Direction = rayDirection;
    ray.TMin = 0.0f;
    ray.TMax = 1000.0f;

    // Perform ray tracing
    RaytracingAccelerationStructure sceneAS = GetSceneAccelerationStructure();
    TraceRay(sceneAS, RAY_FLAG_NONE, 0xFF, 0, 1, 0, ray, HitGroup, MissShader);

Step 4: Handling Ray-Object Intersections

The hit shader processes intersections between rays and objects.

// Closest hit shader (HLSL)
void ClosestHitShader(inout Payload payload, in Attributes attrib)
    // Calculate lighting and shading at the intersection point
    float3 hitPoint = attrib.hitPoint;
    float3 normal = attrib.normal;
    float3 viewDir = normalize(cameraPosition - hitPoint);

    // Simple Phong shading
    float3 color = PhongShading(hitPoint, normal, viewDir);
    payload.color = color;

Step 5: Compiling and Running the Ray Tracing Application

Compile the shaders and link them to the RTPSO. Then, execute the ray tracing pipeline in your render loop.

// Execute the ray tracing pipeline

Practical Exercise

Exercise: Implement a Basic Ray Tracer

  1. Setup: Ensure your environment supports DXR and set up a basic DirectX 12 application.
  2. Shaders: Write the ray generation, miss, and closest hit shaders.
  3. RTPSO: Create the ray tracing pipeline state object.
  4. Intersection: Implement intersection tests and shading in the closest hit shader.
  5. Render: Integrate the ray tracing pipeline into your render loop and display the results.


Refer to the provided code snippets and expand them to create a complete ray tracing application. Ensure you handle all necessary DirectX 12 setup and resource management.

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Performance: Ray tracing can be computationally expensive. Use acceleration structures like BVH to optimize performance.
  • Debugging: Use tools like PIX for Windows to debug and profile your ray tracing application.
  • Precision: Ensure your intersection tests are precise to avoid artifacts in the rendered image.


Ray tracing is a powerful technique for achieving realistic rendering in graphics applications. By understanding the key concepts and following the practical example, you can start implementing ray tracing in your DirectX applications. This knowledge will also prepare you for more advanced topics in rendering and graphics programming.

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