
Text generation is a fascinating application of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), which are well-suited for sequential data. In this section, we will explore how RNNs can be used to generate text by learning patterns in a given dataset. We will cover the following topics:

  1. Understanding the basics of text generation using RNNs.
  2. Preparing the dataset for training.
  3. Building and training an RNN model for text generation.
  4. Generating text using the trained model.
  5. Practical exercises to reinforce the concepts.

  1. Understanding the Basics of Text Generation Using RNNs

RNNs are a type of neural network designed to handle sequential data. They maintain a hidden state that captures information about previous elements in the sequence, making them ideal for tasks like text generation.

Key Concepts:

  • Sequential Data: Data where the order of elements is important, such as text.
  • Hidden State: A memory that captures information from previous steps in the sequence.
  • Training: The process of teaching the RNN to predict the next character or word in a sequence.


Consider the sentence "Hello, world!". An RNN can be trained to predict the next character in the sequence. Given the input "Hello, worl", the RNN should predict "d".

  1. Preparing the Dataset for Training

Before training an RNN, we need to prepare the dataset. This involves tokenizing the text and creating sequences of input-output pairs.


  1. Tokenization: Convert the text into a sequence of tokens (characters or words).
  2. Sequence Creation: Create input-output pairs where the input is a sequence of tokens, and the output is the next token.

Example Code:

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical

# Sample text
text = "Hello, world! This is a text generation example."

# Tokenization
tokenizer = Tokenizer(char_level=True)
total_chars = len(tokenizer.word_index) + 1

# Convert text to sequence of integers
text_seq = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([text])[0]

# Create input-output pairs
seq_length = 10
X = []
y = []
for i in range(len(text_seq) - seq_length):

X = np.array(X)
y = to_categorical(y, num_classes=total_chars)

print("Input sequences:", X.shape)
print("Output sequences:", y.shape)

  1. Building and Training an RNN Model for Text Generation

We will build an RNN model using TensorFlow and Keras. The model will consist of an embedding layer, an LSTM layer, and a dense output layer.

Example Code:

from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Embedding, LSTM, Dense

# Define the model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(total_chars, 50, input_length=seq_length))
model.add(LSTM(100, return_sequences=False))
model.add(Dense(total_chars, activation='softmax'))

# Compile the model
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])

# Train the model, y, epochs=50, batch_size=32)

  1. Generating Text Using the Trained Model

Once the model is trained, we can use it to generate text by providing a seed sequence and predicting the next character iteratively.

Example Code:

def generate_text(model, tokenizer, seq_length, seed_text, num_chars):
    result = seed_text
    for _ in range(num_chars):
        # Convert seed text to sequence of integers
        encoded = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([seed_text])[0]
        encoded = np.array(encoded[-seq_length:]).reshape(1, seq_length)
        # Predict the next character
        predicted = model.predict(encoded, verbose=0)
        next_char = tokenizer.index_word[np.argmax(predicted)]
        # Append the predicted character to the seed text
        seed_text += next_char
        result += next_char
    return result

# Generate text
seed_text = "Hello, worl"
generated_text = generate_text(model, tokenizer, seq_length, seed_text, 50)
print("Generated text:", generated_text)

  1. Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Train an RNN on a Different Dataset

  • Use a different text dataset (e.g., a book or article) to train an RNN model.
  • Follow the steps outlined above to tokenize the text, create sequences, build and train the model, and generate text.

Exercise 2: Experiment with Model Parameters

  • Modify the model architecture by changing the number of LSTM units or adding more layers.
  • Experiment with different sequence lengths and embedding dimensions.
  • Observe how these changes affect the quality of the generated text.

Exercise 3: Implement a Character-Level RNN

  • Implement a character-level RNN for text generation.
  • Use the same steps but tokenize the text at the character level instead of the word level.


In this section, we explored how to use RNNs for text generation. We covered the basics of RNNs, prepared a dataset, built and trained an RNN model, and generated text using the trained model. By completing the practical exercises, you should have a solid understanding of how to implement and experiment with text generation models using RNNs.

Next, we will delve into anomaly detection with autoencoders, another exciting application of deep learning.

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