In this case study, we will develop a COBOL program to manage an inventory system. This system will handle basic operations such as adding new items, updating existing items, deleting items, and displaying the inventory list. This case study will help you apply the concepts learned throughout the course in a practical scenario.
- Understand the requirements of an inventory management system.
- Design the data structures needed for the system.
- Implement file handling for storing and retrieving inventory data.
- Develop COBOL programs to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
- Test the system to ensure it meets the requirements.
- Add New Item: The system should allow adding new items to the inventory.
- Update Item: The system should allow updating the details of existing items.
- Delete Item: The system should allow deleting items from the inventory.
- Display Inventory: The system should display the list of all items in the inventory.
Data Structure
We will use a sequential file to store the inventory data. Each record in the file will represent an item with the following fields:
- Item ID (PIC X(5))
- Item Name (PIC X(20))
- Quantity (PIC 9(4))
- Price (PIC 9(5)V99)
Example Record Layout
Field | Data Type | Description |
Item ID | X(5) | Unique identifier |
Item Name | X(20) | Name of the item |
Quantity | 9(4) | Quantity in stock |
Price | 9(5)V99 | Price of the item |
Program Structure
We will create a main program that provides a menu to the user for performing different operations. Each operation will be implemented as a separate paragraph in the COBOL program.
Main Program
IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. InventoryManagement. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT InventoryFile ASSIGN TO 'inventory.dat' ORGANIZATION IS SEQUENTIAL ACCESS MODE IS SEQUENTIAL FILE STATUS IS WS-FileStatus. DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD InventoryFile. 01 InventoryRecord. 05 ItemID PIC X(5). 05 ItemName PIC X(20). 05 Quantity PIC 9(4). 05 Price PIC 9(5)V99. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 WS-FileStatus PIC XX. 01 WS-Choice PIC 9. 01 WS-Continue PIC X VALUE 'Y'. PROCEDURE DIVISION. Main-Menu. PERFORM Display-Menu ACCEPT WS-Choice EVALUATE WS-Choice WHEN 1 PERFORM Add-New-Item WHEN 2 PERFORM Update-Item WHEN 3 PERFORM Delete-Item WHEN 4 PERFORM Display-Inventory WHEN OTHER DISPLAY 'Invalid choice. Please try again.' END-EVALUATE DISPLAY 'Do you want to continue? (Y/N)' ACCEPT WS-Continue IF WS-Continue = 'Y' OR WS-Continue = 'y' GO TO Main-Menu ELSE STOP RUN. Display-Menu. DISPLAY 'Inventory Management System' DISPLAY '1. Add New Item' DISPLAY '2. Update Item' DISPLAY '3. Delete Item' DISPLAY '4. Display Inventory' DISPLAY 'Enter your choice: '. Add-New-Item. OPEN OUTPUT InventoryFile DISPLAY 'Enter Item ID: ' ACCEPT ItemID DISPLAY 'Enter Item Name: ' ACCEPT ItemName DISPLAY 'Enter Quantity: ' ACCEPT Quantity DISPLAY 'Enter Price: ' ACCEPT Price WRITE InventoryRecord CLOSE InventoryFile DISPLAY 'Item added successfully.'. Update-Item. DISPLAY 'Update Item functionality not implemented yet.'. Delete-Item. DISPLAY 'Delete Item functionality not implemented yet.'. Display-Inventory. OPEN INPUT InventoryFile PERFORM UNTIL WS-FileStatus = '10' READ InventoryFile AT END MOVE '10' TO WS-FileStatus NOT AT END DISPLAY 'Item ID: ' ItemID DISPLAY 'Item Name: ' ItemName DISPLAY 'Quantity: ' Quantity DISPLAY 'Price: ' Price END-PERFORM CLOSE InventoryFile.
- Main Program: The main program provides a menu to the user and performs the selected operation.
- Display-Menu: Displays the menu options to the user.
- Add-New-Item: Prompts the user to enter the details of a new item and writes the record to the inventory file.
- Update-Item: Placeholder for the update item functionality.
- Delete-Item: Placeholder for the delete item functionality.
- Display-Inventory: Reads and displays all records from the inventory file.
- Implement Update-Item: Modify the program to allow updating the details of an existing item.
- Implement Delete-Item: Modify the program to allow deleting an item from the inventory.
- Enhance Display-Inventory: Format the output to display the inventory in a tabular format.
Exercise Solutions
Implement Update-Item
Update-Item. OPEN I-O InventoryFile DISPLAY 'Enter Item ID to update: ' ACCEPT ItemID PERFORM UNTIL WS-FileStatus = '10' READ InventoryFile AT END MOVE '10' TO WS-FileStatus NOT AT END IF ItemID = InventoryRecord-ItemID DISPLAY 'Enter new Item Name: ' ACCEPT ItemName DISPLAY 'Enter new Quantity: ' ACCEPT Quantity DISPLAY 'Enter new Price: ' ACCEPT Price REWRITE InventoryRecord DISPLAY 'Item updated successfully.' MOVE '10' TO WS-FileStatus END-IF END-PERFORM CLOSE InventoryFile.
Implement Delete-Item
Delete-Item. OPEN I-O InventoryFile DISPLAY 'Enter Item ID to delete: ' ACCEPT ItemID PERFORM UNTIL WS-FileStatus = '10' READ InventoryFile AT END MOVE '10' TO WS-FileStatus NOT AT END IF ItemID = InventoryRecord-ItemID DELETE InventoryRecord DISPLAY 'Item deleted successfully.' MOVE '10' TO WS-FileStatus END-IF END-PERFORM CLOSE InventoryFile.
Enhance Display-Inventory
Display-Inventory. OPEN INPUT InventoryFile DISPLAY 'Item ID Item Name Quantity Price' DISPLAY '----------------------------------------------' PERFORM UNTIL WS-FileStatus = '10' READ InventoryFile AT END MOVE '10' TO WS-FileStatus NOT AT END DISPLAY ItemID ' ' ItemName ' ' Quantity ' ' Price END-PERFORM CLOSE InventoryFile.
In this case study, we developed a basic inventory management system using COBOL. We covered the essential operations such as adding, updating, deleting, and displaying inventory items. By completing the exercises, you will gain hands-on experience in implementing and enhancing COBOL programs for real-world applications. This case study serves as a practical application of the concepts learned throughout the course and prepares you for more complex COBOL programming tasks.