Text processing is a fundamental skill in Bash scripting, allowing you to manipulate and analyze text data efficiently. This section will cover essential text processing commands, including cat, echo, grep, sed, awk, cut, sort, and uniq.

Key Concepts

  1. Concatenation and Display: Using cat and echo to display and concatenate text.
  2. Searching Text: Using grep to search for patterns within text.
  3. Stream Editing: Using sed for basic text transformations.
  4. Pattern Scanning and Processing: Using awk for more complex text processing.
  5. Text Extraction: Using cut to extract specific fields from text.
  6. Sorting and Uniqueness: Using sort and uniq to organize and filter text data.

  1. Concatenation and Display

cat Command

The cat command is used to concatenate and display the contents of files.

# Display the contents of a file
cat filename.txt

# Concatenate multiple files and display the output
cat file1.txt file2.txt

echo Command

The echo command is used to display a line of text or a variable value.

# Display a simple message
echo "Hello, World!"

# Display the value of a variable
echo "Hello, $name!"

  1. Searching Text

grep Command

The grep command searches for patterns within text files.

# Search for a pattern in a file
grep "pattern" filename.txt

# Search for a pattern in multiple files
grep "pattern" file1.txt file2.txt

# Search for a pattern recursively in a directory
grep -r "pattern" /path/to/directory

  1. Stream Editing

sed Command

The sed command is a stream editor used for basic text transformations.

# Replace the first occurrence of a pattern in each line
sed 's/old/new/' filename.txt

# Replace all occurrences of a pattern in each line
sed 's/old/new/g' filename.txt

# Delete lines matching a pattern
sed '/pattern/d' filename.txt

  1. Pattern Scanning and Processing

awk Command

The awk command is a powerful text processing tool that allows for pattern scanning and processing.

# Print the first column of a file
awk '{print $1}' filename.txt

# Print lines where the second column is greater than 100
awk '$2 > 100' filename.txt

# Perform arithmetic operations
awk '{sum += $2} END {print sum}' filename.txt

  1. Text Extraction

cut Command

The cut command is used to extract specific fields from text.

# Extract the first field (assuming fields are separated by spaces)
cut -d ' ' -f 1 filename.txt

# Extract the second and third fields (assuming fields are separated by commas)
cut -d ',' -f 2,3 filename.txt

  1. Sorting and Uniqueness

sort Command

The sort command sorts lines of text files.

# Sort a file alphabetically
sort filename.txt

# Sort a file numerically
sort -n filename.txt

uniq Command

The uniq command filters out repeated lines in a file. It is often used in conjunction with sort.

# Remove duplicate lines (file must be sorted first)
sort filename.txt | uniq

# Count occurrences of each line
sort filename.txt | uniq -c

Practical Exercises

Exercise 1: Basic Text Processing

  1. Create a file named sample.txt with the following content:

  2. Use sort and uniq to count the occurrences of each fruit.


sort sample.txt | uniq -c

Exercise 2: Extracting and Summing Fields

  1. Create a file named data.txt with the following content:

    Alice 30
    Bob 25
    Charlie 35
  2. Use awk to sum the numbers in the second column.


awk '{sum += $2} END {print sum}' data.txt

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Forgetting to sort before using uniq: The uniq command only removes adjacent duplicate lines, so always sort the file first.
  • Incorrect field delimiter in cut: Ensure you specify the correct delimiter using the -d option.
  • Using grep without quotes: Always enclose the search pattern in quotes to avoid shell interpretation issues.


In this section, you learned about essential text processing commands in Bash, including cat, echo, grep, sed, awk, cut, sort, and uniq. These commands are powerful tools for manipulating and analyzing text data. Practice using these commands with various text files to become proficient in text processing with Bash.

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