
Azure Networking is a critical component of the Azure ecosystem, enabling secure and efficient communication between various Azure resources and external systems. This module will cover the fundamental concepts of Azure Networking, including Virtual Networks (VNets), Subnets, Network Security Groups (NSGs), Azure Load Balancer, and Azure VPN Gateway.

Key Concepts

  1. Virtual Networks (VNets)

  • Definition: A Virtual Network (VNet) is a representation of your own network in the cloud. It is a logical isolation of the Azure cloud dedicated to your subscription.
  • Purpose: VNets enable Azure resources to securely communicate with each other, the internet, and on-premises networks.
  • Components:
    • Address Space: The range of IP addresses for the VNet.
    • Subnets: Segments of the VNet's address space.

  1. Subnets

  • Definition: Subnets are segments within a VNet that help organize and secure resources.
  • Purpose: Subnets allow you to segment your network into smaller, manageable sections.
  • Components:
    • Address Range: A subset of the VNet's address space.
    • Network Security Groups (NSGs): Used to control inbound and outbound traffic.

  1. Network Security Groups (NSGs)

  • Definition: NSGs are used to filter network traffic to and from Azure resources in an Azure Virtual Network.
  • Purpose: NSGs contain security rules that allow or deny inbound and outbound traffic.
  • Components:
    • Security Rules: Define the allowed or denied traffic based on source, destination, port, and protocol.

  1. Azure Load Balancer

  • Definition: Azure Load Balancer distributes incoming network traffic across multiple backend resources.
  • Purpose: Ensures high availability and reliability by distributing traffic.
  • Components:
    • Frontend IP Configuration: The IP address for incoming traffic.
    • Backend Pool: The set of resources receiving the traffic.
    • Load Balancing Rules: Define how traffic is distributed.

  1. Azure VPN Gateway

  • Definition: Azure VPN Gateway is used to send encrypted traffic between an Azure VNet and an on-premises location over the public Internet.
  • Purpose: Provides secure cross-premises connectivity.
  • Components:
    • Gateway Subnet: A specific subnet for the VPN gateway.
    • Connection: The link between the Azure VNet and the on-premises network.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Creating a Virtual Network and Subnet

# Create a resource group
az group create --name MyResourceGroup --location eastus

# Create a virtual network
az network vnet create \
  --resource-group MyResourceGroup \
  --name MyVNet \
  --address-prefix \
  --subnet-name MySubnet \


  • The az group create command creates a new resource group.
  • The az network vnet create command creates a new VNet with a specified address space and a subnet within that VNet.

Example 2: Creating a Network Security Group and Adding a Rule

# Create a network security group
az network nsg create \
  --resource-group MyResourceGroup \
  --name MyNSG

# Create a security rule to allow HTTP traffic
az network nsg rule create \
  --resource-group MyResourceGroup \
  --nsg-name MyNSG \
  --name AllowHTTP \
  --protocol Tcp \
  --direction Inbound \
  --priority 100 \
  --source-address-prefix '*' \
  --source-port-range '*' \
  --destination-address-prefix '*' \
  --destination-port-range 80 \
  --access Allow


  • The az network nsg create command creates a new NSG.
  • The az network nsg rule create command adds a rule to the NSG to allow inbound HTTP traffic on port 80.


Exercise 1: Create a Virtual Network with Two Subnets

Task: Create a VNet named TestVNet with an address space of and two subnets: SubnetA with and SubnetB with


# Create a resource group
az group create --name TestResourceGroup --location westus

# Create a virtual network with the first subnet
az network vnet create \
  --resource-group TestResourceGroup \
  --name TestVNet \
  --address-prefix \
  --subnet-name SubnetA \

# Add the second subnet
az network vnet subnet create \
  --resource-group TestResourceGroup \
  --vnet-name TestVNet \
  --name SubnetB \

Exercise 2: Create a Network Security Group and Add a Rule to Allow SSH Traffic

Task: Create an NSG named TestNSG and add a rule to allow inbound SSH traffic on port 22.


# Create a network security group
az network nsg create \
  --resource-group TestResourceGroup \
  --name TestNSG

# Create a security rule to allow SSH traffic
az network nsg rule create \
  --resource-group TestResourceGroup \
  --nsg-name TestNSG \
  --name AllowSSH \
  --protocol Tcp \
  --direction Inbound \
  --priority 100 \
  --source-address-prefix '*' \
  --source-port-range '*' \
  --destination-address-prefix '*' \
  --destination-port-range 22 \
  --access Allow

Common Mistakes and Tips

  • Incorrect Address Space: Ensure the address space for VNets and subnets do not overlap and are correctly defined.
  • NSG Rules Priority: Remember that NSG rules are processed in priority order. Lower numbers have higher priority.
  • Subnet Configuration: Always ensure that subnets are correctly configured within the VNet's address space.


In this module, you learned about the fundamental components of Azure Networking, including Virtual Networks, Subnets, Network Security Groups, Azure Load Balancer, and Azure VPN Gateway. You also practiced creating these components using Azure CLI. Understanding these concepts is crucial for designing and managing secure and efficient network architectures in Azure. In the next module, we will explore Azure Databases and their various services.

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