In Angular, templates are a crucial part of components. They define the view for the component and determine how the component is rendered in the browser. This section will cover the basics of component templates, including how to create and use them effectively.

Key Concepts

  1. Template Syntax: Understanding the syntax used in Angular templates.
  2. Data Binding: Binding data from the component class to the template.
  3. Event Binding: Handling user events in the template.
  4. Template Expressions: Using expressions within the template.
  5. Template Reference Variables: Accessing DOM elements and component instances.

Template Syntax

Angular templates use a combination of HTML and Angular-specific syntax to define the view. Here is a basic example of a component template:

<!-- app.component.html -->
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<p>Welcome to {{ title }}!</p>
<button (click)="changeTitle()">Change Title</button>


  • Interpolation ({{ }}): Used to bind data from the component class to the template.
  • Event Binding ((event)="handler()"): Used to bind events like clicks to methods in the component class.

Data Binding

Data binding in Angular allows you to synchronize data between the component class and the template. There are four types of data binding:

  1. Interpolation: Binding data from the component to the template.
  2. Property Binding: Binding properties of DOM elements to component properties.
  3. Event Binding: Binding events to methods in the component.
  4. Two-way Binding: Combining property and event binding to create a two-way data flow.


// app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'Angular App';

  changeTitle() {
    this.title = 'New Title';
<!-- app.component.html -->
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<input [value]="title" (input)="title = $">
<button (click)="changeTitle()">Change Title</button>


  • Interpolation ({{ title }}): Displays the title property from the component.
  • Property Binding ([value]="title"): Binds the value property of the input element to the title property.
  • Event Binding ((input)="title = $"): Updates the title property when the input value changes.

Template Expressions

Template expressions are used within interpolation and binding syntax to perform calculations or access properties and methods.


<!-- app.component.html -->
<p>The length of the title is: {{ title.length }}</p>
<p>{{ getTitleMessage() }}</p>
// app.component.ts
getTitleMessage() {
  return `The title is: ${this.title}`;


  • Expression ({{ title.length }}): Calculates the length of the title string.
  • Method Call ({{ getTitleMessage() }}): Calls a method from the component class.

Template Reference Variables

Template reference variables allow you to reference DOM elements and component instances within the template.


<!-- app.component.html -->
<input #titleInput type="text">
<button (click)="logTitle(titleInput.value)">Log Title</button>
// app.component.ts
logTitle(value: string) {


  • Template Reference Variable (#titleInput): References the input element.
  • Using the Variable (titleInput.value): Accesses the value of the input element.

Practical Exercise


Create a component that displays a list of items and allows the user to add new items to the list.


  1. Create a new component called ItemListComponent.
  2. Define a template that displays the list of items.
  3. Add an input field and a button to add new items to the list.
  4. Implement the necessary data binding and event handling.


// item-list.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-item-list',
  templateUrl: './item-list.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./item-list.component.css']
export class ItemListComponent {
  items: string[] = ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'];
  newItem: string = '';

  addItem() {
    if (this.newItem) {
      this.newItem = '';
<!-- item-list.component.html -->
<h2>Item List</h2>
  <li *ngFor="let item of items">{{ item }}</li>
<input [(ngModel)]="newItem" placeholder="New Item">
<button (click)="addItem()">Add Item</button>


  • *ngFor Directive: Iterates over the items array and displays each item.
  • Two-way Binding ([(ngModel)]="newItem"): Binds the input field to the newItem property.
  • Event Binding ((click)="addItem()"): Calls the addItem method when the button is clicked.


In this section, you learned about Angular component templates, including template syntax, data binding, event binding, template expressions, and template reference variables. You also completed a practical exercise to reinforce these concepts. Understanding and effectively using component templates is essential for building dynamic and interactive Angular applications.

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