Debugging and testing are crucial aspects of software development. They ensure that your Ada programs run correctly and efficiently. This section will cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Debugging
  2. Common Debugging Techniques
  3. Using GNAT Debugger (GDB)
  4. Introduction to Testing
  5. Unit Testing with AUnit
  6. Integration Testing
  7. Best Practices for Debugging and Testing

  1. Introduction to Debugging

Debugging is the process of identifying and removing errors from your code. Errors can be syntax errors, runtime errors, or logical errors. Effective debugging helps in improving the reliability and performance of your program.

Key Concepts:

  • Syntax Errors: Mistakes in the code that violate the rules of the programming language.
  • Runtime Errors: Errors that occur during the execution of the program.
  • Logical Errors: Errors that cause the program to operate incorrectly but do not crash the program.

  1. Common Debugging Techniques


  • Print Statements: Inserting print statements to check the flow and values of variables.
  • Code Review: Reviewing the code to find mistakes.
  • Step-by-Step Execution: Running the program step-by-step to observe the behavior.
  • Breakpoints: Pausing the program at specific points to inspect the state.


procedure Debug_Example is
   A, B, C : Integer;
   A := 10;
   B := 0;
   -- Print statement to check values
   Put_Line("A = " & Integer'Image(A));
   Put_Line("B = " & Integer'Image(B));
   C := A / B;  -- This will cause a runtime error (division by zero)
   Put_Line("C = " & Integer'Image(C));
end Debug_Example;

  1. Using GNAT Debugger (GDB)

GNAT Debugger (GDB) is a powerful tool for debugging Ada programs. It allows you to set breakpoints, inspect variables, and control the execution of your program.

Basic Commands:

  • gdb <program_name>: Start GDB with your program.
  • break <line_number>: Set a breakpoint at a specific line.
  • run: Start the program.
  • next: Execute the next line of code.
  • print <variable_name>: Print the value of a variable.
  • continue: Continue execution until the next breakpoint.


$ gdb debug_example
(gdb) break 7
(gdb) run
(gdb) print A
(gdb) next
(gdb) print B
(gdb) continue

  1. Introduction to Testing

Testing is the process of evaluating a program to ensure it meets the required results. It can be divided into several types, including unit testing, integration testing, and system testing.

Types of Testing:

  • Unit Testing: Testing individual components or functions.
  • Integration Testing: Testing the interaction between integrated units.
  • System Testing: Testing the complete system as a whole.

  1. Unit Testing with AUnit

AUnit is a unit testing framework for Ada, similar to JUnit for Java. It allows you to write test cases for individual units of your program.


with AUnit.Test_Cases;
with AUnit.Run;

procedure Test_Example is
   package Test_Cases is new AUnit.Test_Cases;
   use Test_Cases;

   procedure Test_Addition is
      Assert_True(1 + 1 = 2, "1 + 1 should equal 2");
   end Test_Addition;

end Test_Example;

  1. Integration Testing

Integration testing involves combining individual units and testing them as a group. This ensures that the units work together correctly.


procedure Integration_Test is
   function Add(A, B : Integer) return Integer is
      return A + B;
   end Add;

   function Multiply(A, B : Integer) return Integer is
      return A * B;
   end Multiply;

   procedure Test_Integration is
      Result : Integer;
      Result := Add(2, 3);
      Assert(Result = 5, "Addition failed");
      Result := Multiply(2, 3);
      Assert(Result = 6, "Multiplication failed");
   end Test_Integration;

end Integration_Test;

  1. Best Practices for Debugging and Testing


  • Write Tests Early: Write tests as you develop your code.
  • Test Frequently: Run tests frequently to catch errors early.
  • Use Version Control: Use version control systems to track changes and revert to previous versions if needed.
  • Automate Testing: Use automated testing tools to run tests regularly.
  • Document Tests: Document your tests to make them understandable and maintainable.


Debugging and testing are essential skills for any programmer. By using the techniques and tools discussed in this section, you can ensure that your Ada programs are reliable, efficient, and error-free. Remember to write tests early, test frequently, and use automated tools to streamline the process. In the next section, we will delve into performance optimization techniques to further enhance your Ada programs.

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